twostraws / CodeScanner

A SwiftUI view that is able to scan barcodes, QR codes, and more, and send back what was found.
MIT License
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Landscape mode shows wrong orientation for a split second in .sheet() #92

Open sdavidliu opened 1 year ago

sdavidliu commented 1 year ago

I'm adding CodeScanner into a .sheet() for my iPad app that is primarily in landscape mode. When the sheet appears, the camera is briefly shown rotated 90 degrees, and then it fixes itself within a second. Was wondering if there's a simple fix for this.

Here is my setup:

VStack {
    Button(action: { showModal.toggle() }, label: { Text("Button") })
.sheet(isPresented: $showModal, content: {
    VStack {
        CodeScannerView(codeTypes: [.qr], videoCaptureDevice: AVCaptureDevice.default(.builtInWideAngleCamera, for: .video, position: .front)) { response in