twostraws / ControlRoom

A macOS app to control the Xcode Simulator.
MIT License
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Expressive API for communicating with simctl #49

Closed pluddy closed 4 years ago

pluddy commented 4 years ago

Mostly adding this because it's something I want to take a stab at!

The goal would be to take something like our current:

execute(["status_bar", simulator, "override", "--batteryLevel", "\(level)", "--batteryState", "charging"])

and turn it into something like:

execute(.statusBar(deviceId: simulator, operation: .override([.batteryLevel(level), .batteryState(.charging)])))

Hoping this will also simplify some of the iterating cases in the ui, turning for example:

let resetPermissions = [

Picker("Permissions:", selection: $resetPermission) {
    ForEach(resetPermissions, id: \.self) {


Picker("Permissions:", selection: $resetPermission) {
    ForEach(SimCtl.Privacy.Permission.allCases, id: \.self) {
davedelong commented 4 years ago

👏 YES. This is on my mental list of things I'd like to see improved. Please go for it!

pluddy commented 4 years ago

First stab in #53, please leave input there!