twostraws / IgniteSamples

Sample code for the Ignite static site generator.
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Map Element Discussion #17

Closed dl-alexandre closed 2 months ago

dl-alexandre commented 3 months ago

Hi Mr. Hudson,

Mostly curious with how MapKit JS could be used in an Ignite Site. Using Include MapKit JS Sample-Code displays on any page. Do you have an idea or suggestion of better implementation via an element(s)?

Possible variables a Map Element could have:

Initial Map Element Sample which works with Web Embed

// Map.swift
// Ignite
// See LICENSE for license information.

import Foundation

/// Embeds a MapKit JS map.
public struct Map: BlockElement, LazyLoadable {
    /// The standard set of control attributes for HTML elements.
    public var attributes = CoreAttributes()

    /// How many columns this should occupy when placed in a section.
    public var columnWidth = ColumnWidth.automatic

    /// The URL for the MapKit JS map.
    let url: String

    /// A title that describes this content.
    let title: String

    /// Creates a new `Map` instance from the title and URL provided.
    /// - Parameters:
    ///   - title: A title suitable for screen readers.
    ///   - url: The URL to embed on your page.
    public init(title: String, url: URL) {
        self.url = url.absoluteString
        self.title = title

    /// Creates a new `Map` instance from the title and URL provided.
    /// - Parameters:
    ///   - title: A title suitable for screen readers.
    ///   - url: The URL to embed on your page.
    public init(title: String, url: String) {
        self.url = url
        self.title = title

    /// Renders this element using the publishing context passed in.
    /// - Parameter context: The current publishing context.
    /// - Returns: The HTML for this element.
    public func render(context: PublishingContext) -> String {
        // Permissions for the iframe.
        let allowPermissions = """
            accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share

        if attributes.classes.contains("ratio") == false {
            Embedding \(url) without an aspect ratio will cause it to appear very small. \
            It is recommended to use aspectRatio() so it can scale automatically.

        return Group {
            #"<iframe src="\#(url)" title="\#(title)" allow="\#(allowPermissions)" style="width: 100%; height: 100%; border: none;"></iframe>"#
        .render(context: context)

Stipulation: Tokens require Developer Accounts

Warning: Running multiple Includes overrides previous Includes styling effect page formatting Includes run individually unless otherwise noted. (e.g. Missing Polyline.js)

twostraws commented 2 months ago

I'm afraid I have no experience with MapKit JS, but rather than having lots of code here in Ignite Samples, it would be preferable to put this directly into Ignite so the work of integrating maps is much simpler – no includes at all from the call site, just a Map() element or similar. Is that possible, do you think?