twpayne / chezmoi

Manage your dotfiles across multiple diverse machines, securely.
MIT License
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Template clutter #2608

Closed VermiumSifell closed 1 year ago

VermiumSifell commented 1 year ago

I need help getting my .chezmoi.yaml.tmpl be readable since right now it's to cluttered with {{ }} and if else checks. I plan on building my own dotfiles manager if this is the only way to do templating

VermiumSifell commented 1 year ago
{{- /* Checks if running interactively */ -}}
{{- $interactive := stdinIsATTY -}}

{{- /* Template file for chezmoi config file */ -}}
{{- $programsEmacs := false -}}{{/* true if this machine should have emacs installed */}}
{{- $programsKubernetes := false -}}{{/* true if this machine is used for Kubernetes work */}}
{{- $headless := false -}}{{/* true if this machine does not have a screen and keyboard */}}
{{- $purposesPersonal := false -}}
{{- $purposesWork := false -}}
{{- $windowmanagerI3wm := false -}}{{/* true if this machine is using i3wm */}}
{{- $displaymanagerLightdm := false -}}{{/* true if this machine should have lightdm installed */}}

{{- $hostname := .chezmoi.hostname -}}
{{- if eq $hostname "AxelLaptop01-archlinux" -}}
{{-   $headless = false -}}
{{-   $programsKubernetes = true -}}
{{-   $windowmanagerI3wm = true -}}
{{-   $programsEmacs = true -}}
{{-   $displaymanagerLightdm = true -}}
{{-   $purposesWork = false -}}
{{-   $purposesPersonal = true -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- if eq $hostname "AxelLaptop02-archlinux" -}}
{{-   $headless = false -}}
{{-   $programsKubernetes = false -}}
{{-   $windowmanagerI3wm = true -}}
{{-   $displaymanagerLightdm = true -}}
{{-   $programsEmacs = true -}}
{{-   $purposesWork = true -}}
{{-   $purposesPersonal = true -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- if hasKey . "headless" -}}
{{-   $headless = .headless -}}
{{- else if $interactive -}}
{{-   $headless = promptBool "headless" -}}
{{- end -}}

{{- if hasKey . "programsKubernetes" -}}
{{-   $programsKubernetes = .kubernetes -}}
{{- else if $interactive -}}
{{-   $programsKubernetes = promptBool "programsKubernetes" -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- if hasKey . "programsEmacs" -}}
{{-   $programsEmacs = .programsEmacs -}}
{{- else if $interactive -}}
{{-   $programsEmacs = promptBool "programsEmacs" -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- if hasKey . "purposesPersonal" -}}
{{-   $purposesPersonal = .purposesPersonal -}}
{{- else if $interactive -}}
{{-   $purposesPersonal = promptBool "purposesPersonal" -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- if hasKey . "purposesWork" -}}
{{-   $purposesWork = .purposesWork -}}
{{- else if $interactive -}}
{{-   $purposesWork = promptBool "purposesWork" -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- if hasKey . "windowmanagerI3wm" -}}
{{-   $windowmanagerI3wm = .windowmanagerI3wm -}}
{{- else if $interactive -}}
{{-   $windowmanagerI3wm = promptBool "windowmanagerI3wm" -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- if hasKey . "displaymanagerLightdm" -}}
{{-   $displaymanagerLightdm = .displaymanagerLightdm -}}
{{- else if $interactive -}}
{{-   $displaymanagerLightdm = promptBool "displaymanagerLightdm" -}}
{{- end -}}

{{- if $interactive -}}
{{-   writeToStdout "💡 Tip: you can re-enter your data with `chezmoi init --data=false`.\n" -}}
{{- end -}}

    personal: {{ $purposesPersonal }}
    work: {{ $purposesWork }}
    i3wm: {{ $windowmanagerI3wm }}
    lightdm: {{ $displaymanagerLightdm }}
    emacs: {{ $programsEmacs }}
    kubernetes: {{ $programsKubernetes }}
  headless: {{ $headless }}
  ## Nord
    ## Polar Night
    nord0: "#2e3440"
    nord1: "#3b4252"
    nord2: "#434c5e"
    nord3: "#4c566a" # Used for unfocused
    ## Snow Storm
    nord4: "#d8dee9"
    nord5: "#e5e9f0"
    nord6: "#eceff4"
    ## Frost
    nord7: "#8fbcbb"
    nord8: "#88c0d0"
    nord9: "#81a1c1"
    nord10: "#5e81ac" # Used for focused
    ## Aurora
    nord11: "#bf616a"
    nord12: "#d08770"
    nord13: "#ebcb8b"
    nord14: "#a3be8c" # Used for icon
    nord15: "#b48ead"
  ## Drarcula
    background: "#282a36"
    current_line: "#44475a"
    foreground: "#f8f8f2"
    comment: "#6272a4"
    cyan: "#8be9fd"
    green: "#50fa7b"
    orange: "#ffb86c"
    pink: "#ff79c6"
    purple: "#bd93f9"
    red: "#ff5555"
    yellow: "#f1fa8c"
    selection: "#44475A"
    ansiBlack: "#21222C"
    ansiRed: "#FF5555"
    ansiGreen: "#50FA7B"
    ansiYellow: "#F1FA8C"
    ansiBlue: "#BD93F9"
    ansiMagenta: "#FF79C6"
    ansiCyan: "#8BE9FD"
    ansiWhite: "#F8F8F2"
    ansiBrightBlack: "#6272A4"
    ansiBrightRed: "#FF6E6E"
    ansiBrightGreen: "#69FF94"
    ansiBrightYellow: "#FFFFA5"
    ansiBrightBlue: "#D6ACFF"
    ansiBrightMagenta: "#FF92DF"
    ansiBrightCyan: "#A4FFFF"
    ansiBrightWhite: "#FFFFFF"
  a: {{ $a }}
  b: {{ $b }}
    main: "JetbrainsMono Nerd Font"
#"RobotoMono Nerd Font"
#"JetbrainsMono Nerd Font"
#"Fira Code"

format: yaml

  command: nvim
    - -d
    - "{{ "{{ .Destination }}" }}"
    - "{{ "{{ .Source }}" }}"
    - "{{ "{{ .Target }}" }}"
#  autoAdd: true
twpayne commented 1 year ago

I plan on building my own dotfiles manager if this is the only way to do templating

chezmoi only supports Go's text/template as a template language. This is unlikely to change any time soon. Of course, you are free to structure your templates as you wish. In your case, using .chezmoidata might help quite significantly.

Otherwise, good luck with your dotfile manager and don't forget to add your project to the list of dotfile managers.