twrecked / hass-virtual

Virtual Components for Home Assistant
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Possibility of "splitting a config" with 0.9.x? #113

Open ildar170975 opened 2 months ago

ildar170975 commented 2 months ago

In 0.8.x there is a possibility to split a config - keep settings in different packages. For instance, I may keep some device_tracker entities in /config/folder_1/file_1.yaml, other device_tracker entities - in /config/folder_2/file_2.yaml. Just installed 0.9.x - and seems that all settings now have to be kept in ONE file. Do not find it convenient. Am I doing smth wrong?

Probably I may create one more virtual_test.yaml and move there some entries (consider these entries as "test only entries") from virtual.yaml and then ADD one more integration: image but that means that I have TWO files which do not belong to any package: each file seems to be only used to import settings on a manual reloading an integration, files cannot be merged as a part of "splitting config".

Some clarifications about "splitting config":

  1. configuration.yaml:
    packages: !include_dir_named conf
  2. The conf folder is located inside a /config folder and contains a folder structure like:

    where a subfolder may contain other subfolders & yaml-files dedicated for separate tasks.

Btw, what is a meaning of having same version field in all these different yaml files?

twrecked commented 1 month ago

I'll see if I can support both mechanisms.

I thought I had to do one or the other but that doesn't seem to be the case.

twrecked commented 1 month ago

Can you try b14 release. I added this config option to allow the old behaviour to work.

  yaml_config: True

You may have to delete the imported integration before restarting. Sorry for the awkwardness around this, I assumed you could only have 1 config mechanism or the other. It turns out that is not true.

ildar170975 commented 3 weeks ago

@twrecked Sorry, I do not understand...

Assume before 0.9 there was this code in some "virtual_trackers.yaml":

  - platform: virtual
      - name: virtual_tracker_1
        peristent: True
        location: home

which created device_tracker.virtual_tracker_1.

In 0.9 to add this tracker I need to add a new entry in UI & import some "virtual.yaml" file (can have a diff. name):

version: 1
  - platform: device_tracker
    name: virtual_tracker_1

Do yo mean that in 0.9 it is possible: -- either use the new way ("add entry" in UI -> import some "virtual.yaml") (and Docs are here) -- or keep using the old way - declaring sensors in yaml? (and Docs are here)

Are there any differences between "new" & "old" ways in terms of features? I mean - will I still be able to define SAME functionality for light (as example) if I prefer to use "old way" instead of "new way"?

Here is my test: Added this line in configuration.yaml (into some separate file in fact):

  yaml_config: True

Rebooted HA - and after reboot all entries became faulty: изображение

and these errors in Log: 2024-08-23 23:44:02.795 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.config] Invalid config for 'virtual' at conf/test/virtual/virtual.yaml, line 3: expected a dictionary for dictionary value 'virtual', got [{'yaml_config': True}], please check the docs at 2024-08-23 23:44:02.796 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.setup] Setup failed for custom integration 'virtual': Invalid config.

twrecked commented 3 weeks ago

In 0.9 you can mix both ways of defining devices. To clarify, I have the following config and it's working:

configuration.yaml; I just put it straight in this file.

  yaml_config: True

# later on I include with this...
device_tracker: !include device_trackers.yaml

_devicetrackers.yaml; which I load from configuration.yaml.

- platform: virtual
    - name: virtual_old_test
    - name: virtual_old_test2

virtual-test.yaml; which I add in through the intergrations.

version: 1
  - platform: device_tracker
    name: virtual_tracker_1

I'm guessing it's not parsing the yaml_config piece. Can you show me how you include it, I might need to beef that up.

ildar170975 commented 3 weeks ago

Can you show me how you include it, I might need to beef that up.

Thanks a lot for feedback! Initially this line

  yaml_config: True

was placed into some file "virtual.yaml" which is located in some "/config/conf" directory. This is a splitting-config configuration - there is a directive in "configuration.yaml":

  packages: !include_dir_named conf

But for testing I simply placed these lines into "configuration.yaml":



lovelace: !include lovelace/lovelace.yaml

  yaml_config: True

And it causes the error: изображение

This code was copy/pasted from Readme - and may be it contains some special char which causes the error? I deleted both lines & inputted everything again - same error.

Also, I re-checked myself - do not have any more occurrences of "virtual" keyword in config: изображение

And one more riddle: added a yaml config for device_tracker in some separate file:

  - platform: virtual
      - name: virtual_tracker_1
        peristent: True
        location: home

and see more errors: изображение