tx00100xt / SeriousSamClassic-VK

Open source game engine version developed by Croteam for Serious Sam Classic with Vulkan support (Windows, Linux, FreeBSD, OpenBSD, macOS, Raspberry Pi OS). Based on https://github.com/sultim-t/Serious-Engine-Vk and linux port https://github.com/icculus/Serious-Engine
GNU General Public License v2.0
101 stars 12 forks source link

RPi4 - Segmentation Fault #13

Closed dragon99919 closed 1 year ago

dragon99919 commented 1 year ago

Hey again! : D So, while now the code compiles indeed, today I had a chance to try to run it, and for both FE and SE I got this message:

dragon99919@marcinek-rpi4-vanilla-sandbox:~/git/SeriousSamClassic-VK/SamTFE/Bin $ ./SeriousSam STUBBED: load window icon in /home/dragon99919/git/SeriousSamClassic-VK/SamTFE/Sources/SeriousSam/MainWindow.cpp, line 172. STUBBED: Need SDL invisible window or something in /home/dragon99919/git/SeriousSamClassic-VK/SamTFE/Sources/SeriousSam/MainWindow.cpp, line 353. Segmentation fault dragon99919@marcinek-rpi4-vanilla-sandbox:~/git/SeriousSamClassic-VK/SamTFE/Bin $

I tried to add original FE and SE gro files to their directories - nothing changed.

tx00100xt commented 1 year ago

You can try changing the line https://github.com/tx00100xt/SeriousSamClassic-VK/blob/main/SamTFE/Sources/CMakeLists.txt#L314

option(USE_SINGLE_THREAD "Use Single Threaded version" FALSE)


option(USE_SINGLE_THREAD "Use Single Threaded version" TRUE)

Rebuild and try to run again Without debugger output, it's hard to guess anything. As far as I know the 64-bit version works under RPI4.

dragon99919 commented 1 year ago

Sadly, no difference with that line changed. : /

tx00100xt commented 1 year ago

Segmentation Fault can also occur when certain game resources are missing. Please attach the game log.

~/./.local/share/Serious-Engine/serioussam/SeriousSam.log ~/./.local/share/Serious-Engine/serioussamse/SeriousSam.log

dragon99919 commented 1 year ago

There they are:


--- Serious Engine Startup --- SeriousEngine Build: 10000.10

Running 32-bit version Executable: /home/dragon99919/git/SeriousSamClassic-VK/SamTFE/Bin/ Assumed engine data directory: /home/dragon99919/git/SeriousSamClassic-VK/SamTFE/ Assumed mods library directory: /home/dragon99919/git/SeriousSamClassic-VK/SamTFE/

Examining underlying OS... Type: Unix

Detecting CPU... (No CPU detection in this binary.)

Cannot load variable from 'DefaultMod.txt': Cannot open file `/home/dragon99919/git/SeriousSamClassic-VK/SamTFE/DefaultMod.txt' (No such file or directory) () Current mod: Loading group files... /home/dragon99919/git/SeriousSamClassic-VK/SamTFE/SE1_10b.gro: 105 files /home/dragon99919/git/SeriousSamClassic-VK/SamTFE/1_04_patch.gro: 1 files /home/dragon99919/git/SeriousSamClassic-VK/SamTFE/1_00c_scripts.gro: 28 files /home/dragon99919/git/SeriousSamClassic-VK/SamTFE/1_00c_Logo.gro: 1 files /home/dragon99919/git/SeriousSamClassic-VK/SamTFE/1_00c.gro: 2267 files /home/dragon99919/git/SeriousSamClassic-VK/SamTFE/1_00_music.gro: 55 files /home/dragon99919/git/SeriousSamClassic-VK/SamTFE/1_00_ExtraTools.gro: 58 files

Detecting input devices... joysticks found: 0 joysticks allowed: 0

GfxLibrary: InitAPI GfxLibrary: OpenGL InitAPIs. GfxLibrary: Vulkan InitAPIs.


--- Serious Engine Startup --- SeriousEngine Build: 10000.10

Running 32-bit version Executable: /home/dragon99919/git/SeriousSamClassic-VK/SamTSE/Bin/ Assumed engine data directory: /home/dragon99919/git/SeriousSamClassic-VK/SamTSE/ Assumed mods library directory: /home/dragon99919/git/SeriousSamClassic-VK/SamTSE/

Examining underlying OS... Type: Unix

Detecting CPU... (No CPU detection in this binary.)

Cannot load variable from 'DefaultMod.txt': Cannot open file `/home/dragon99919/git/SeriousSamClassic-VK/SamTSE/DefaultMod.txt' (No such file or directory) () Current mod: Loading group files... /home/dragon99919/git/SeriousSamClassic-VK/SamTSE/SE1_10b.gro: 105 files /home/dragon99919/git/SeriousSamClassic-VK/SamTSE/SE1_00_Music.gro: 43 files /home/dragon99919/git/SeriousSamClassic-VK/SamTSE/SE1_00_Logo.gro: 1 files /home/dragon99919/git/SeriousSamClassic-VK/SamTSE/SE1_00_Levels.gro: 49 files /home/dragon99919/git/SeriousSamClassic-VK/SamTSE/SE1_00_ExtraTools.gro: 1044 files /home/dragon99919/git/SeriousSamClassic-VK/SamTSE/SE1_00_Extra.gro: 107 files /home/dragon99919/git/SeriousSamClassic-VK/SamTSE/SE1_00.gro: 3142 files /home/dragon99919/git/SeriousSamClassic-VK/SamTSE/1_07_tools.gro: 18 files /home/dragon99919/git/SeriousSamClassic-VK/SamTSE/1_04_patch.gro: 1 files

Detecting input devices... joysticks found: 0 joysticks allowed: 0

GfxLibrary: InitAPI GfxLibrary: OpenGL InitAPIs. GfxLibrary: Vulkan InitAPIs.

dragon99919 commented 1 year ago

By the by, I just tried the 64-bit version on aarch64, same thing happening.

tx00100xt commented 1 year ago

All the necessary resources are there

Everything worked on raspberry pi 4 Ubuntu 22 lts: https://github.com/tx00100xt/SeriousSamClassic-VK/issues/3 You can try to roll back to the version - when everything worked exactly.

git clone https://github.com/tx00100xt/SeriousSamClassic-VK.git cd SeriousSamClassic-VK/SamTFE git checkout 40bfc9a0cebc5a49a371d99d1164502f2de28b7f

and build game

I would like to look at the output of vulkaninfo. You can attach it to a post.

dragon99919 commented 1 year ago

And here my dumbness comes clean! After typing vulkaninfo it showed me that I don't have proper drivers installed. I though Rasperry Pi OS delievers them OOTB, appears I was wrong. Installed these and now all works fine, thanks for the help and sorry for bothering. : )

tx00100xt commented 1 year ago

Everything is fine. The main thing is that it worked.