tx00100xt / SeriousSamClassic-VK

Open source game engine version developed by Croteam for Serious Sam Classic with Vulkan support (Windows, Linux, FreeBSD, OpenBSD, macOS, Raspberry Pi OS). Based on https://github.com/sultim-t/Serious-Engine-Vk and linux port https://github.com/icculus/Serious-Engine
GNU General Public License v2.0
101 stars 12 forks source link

Vulkan error spam in the rcon console. #29

Closed just-thefacts closed 9 months ago

just-thefacts commented 10 months ago

Randomly, but I'd say 60% of the time, the console will start spamming 'errors', visibly (about 3 or 4 lines of it) without hitting tilde to bring down the console. Once it starts, it never stops, and goes in a rapid stream, until I restart with fingers crossed. Windows and Linux versions (v1.10.5 on an AMD Radeon RX 6600 if it matters). Any ideas? Says the following:

Vulkan: Queue Present KHR swap chain image Done. Vulkan: Queue Present KHR swap chain image Done. Vulkan: Queue Present KHR swap chain image Done. ...endlessly

tx00100xt commented 10 months ago

This message is not needed in the code, either there should be nothing there, or the procedure for recreating the swapchain. Try this build for Linux:

just-thefacts commented 10 months ago

Played around with 20230910 for 30 minutes or so and could not get it to mess up so far. I'm not sure what triggers it though. Probably making a lot of graphics changes, or certain combinations in the menus? I had also already gotten SeriousSamClassicVk-1.10.5-20230713 windows and linux from the actions pages, and those (only tested linux so far) seem good too. Either way, it has not happened since switching versions so if it is still an issue, it's rare and not a big deal.

Can I make a suggestion for future users? You need a lot more of the original files from CD, Steam, or GOG installs than the .gro files listed in the info here. Controls, Data, Levels, Scripts folders, etc. Basically all of it, or it will error about loading levels, won't F6 save, etc. etc. I had to do a lot of reading the log files to figure out what it was complaining about. Also, since the Linux and Windows BIN folder files are not the same names and the rest are shared, you can make a hybrid Linux and Windows native version all in one! Very cool.

This is an excellent project! Runs so much better than the original CD versions, which are hard to even install and patch up these days. Thanks very much.

Oh, and just in case: I am running it on AMD Ryzen 5 5600, AMD Radeon RX 6600 @1920x1080, Windows 10, and Debian 12.1. Also, adding your GPU to "path to game/SamTFE/Scripts/GLSettings/GLSettings.lst" seems to make the graphics auto detect thing work much better, like so in my case: "+Radeon+RX+6600+" "AMD Radeon RX 6600" "ATI-Radeon.ini" Just follow the existing format and find the best "YourGPU.ini" to point it to. The "Radeon RX 6600" bit should have asterisks where I put "+'s" that the formatting here removes.

tx00100xt commented 10 months ago

I'm not sure what triggers it though

This location contains the exception handler VK_ERROR_OUT_OF_DATE_KHR Usually happens after a window resize. Either way, it has not happened since switching versions so if it is still an issue, it's rare and not a big deal.

As far as I know, this problem occurs in some versions of Nvidia drivers I had also already gotten SeriousSamClassicVk-1.10.5-20230713 windows and linux from the actions pages, and those (only tested linux so far) seem good too.

Versions n SeriousSamClassicVk-1.10.5-20230713 and release version 1.10.5 are identical. Same files.

I've made the fixes to the repo https://github.com/tx00100xt/SeriousSamClassic-VK/commit/79d36d8092cf1beb20964b2678d3cc43ddf27b18 Auto builds for Linux and Windows are here: https://github.com/tx00100xt/SeriousSamClassic-VK/actions/runs/6146809441

Can I make a suggestion for future users? You need a lot more of the original files from CD, Steam, or GOG installs than the .gro files listed in the info here. Controls, Data, Levels, Scripts folders, etc.

When building from source, all these directories are in the repo, and there is no need to add them. In the release description I added the need to have all the content of the game. https://github.com/tx00100xt/SeriousSamClassic-VK/releases/tag/v1.10.5

This is an excellent project!
