tx00100xt / SeriousSamClassic-VK

Open source game engine version developed by Croteam for Serious Sam Classic with Vulkan support (Windows, Linux, FreeBSD, OpenBSD, macOS, Raspberry Pi OS). Based on https://github.com/sultim-t/Serious-Engine-Vk and linux port https://github.com/icculus/Serious-Engine
GNU General Public License v2.0
101 stars 12 forks source link

Full screen stopped working v1.10.6 #35

Closed just-thefacts closed 8 months ago

just-thefacts commented 8 months ago

No full screen works for me at all since the last update. Windows x64 version, Linux is fine. It also switches from Vulkan to OpenGL after is fails to change.


tx00100xt commented 8 months ago

Try this version: https://github.com/tx00100xt/SeriousSamClassic-VK/actions/runs/6663904137#artifacts

If it works, I'll think about what can be done. Full screen mode works for me under Windows on Vulkan.

just-thefacts commented 8 months ago

That build worked (TFE and TSE, Win64). Ran perfectly. I have an AMD Radeon RX 6600 FYI, may be the "thing that is different". They tend to behave differently than Nvidia on a lot of things I've found. Thanks again.

Edit: Linux version still working well on Debian 12.2 as well. /thumbs-up Edit 2: Also FYI, I have added "RadeonRX6600" "AMD Radeon RX 6600" "ATI-Radeon.ini" to my ".../SamTFE/Scripts/GLSettings/GLSettings.lst" in an attempt to make it "more compatible/accurate" if that matters.

tx00100xt commented 8 months ago

Check out this build. If everything goes well, I will make a change to the repository code and update the release. SeriousSamClassicVk-20231029-win64-bin.7z.zip

just-thefacts commented 8 months ago

@tx00100xt 20231029 worked perfectly. I switched it back and forth between 720p windowed and 1080p full screen. Looks good.

tx00100xt commented 8 months ago

worked perfectly. I switched it back and forth between 720p windowed and 1080p full screen. Looks good

Fine. Then I'll add the code to the repository

tx00100xt commented 8 months ago

Release updated: https://github.com/tx00100xt/SeriousSamClassic-VK/releases

just-thefacts commented 8 months ago

New info: Full screen still does not work in OpenGL. Works in Vulkan now, but I was trying to test OpenGL vs Vulkan performance, etc. and could not. Just FYI.

tx00100xt commented 8 months ago

I think this is a problem with the drivers or some settings in the Windows system. For me and others, the full-screen mode of Vulkan and OpenGL worked before this.

You get an error when calling the Win32 ChangeDisplaySettings function: https://github.com/tx00100xt/SeriousSamClassic-VK/blob/main/SamTFE/Sources/Engine/Graphics/Adapter.cpp#L511 The function is described here: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/winuser/nf-winuser-changedisplaysettingsa

I just removed the call to this function for Vulkan if the resolution matches the display resolution. https://github.com/tx00100xt/SeriousSamClassic-VK/commit/9f66ce03da31290112d2ef2e923070c1afa75690

Borderless windowed mode would suit you. At the moment it is not in the code. Maybe I'll do it sometime in the future

just-thefacts commented 8 months ago

No idea then. It's just a standard Windows 22H2 install with a Radeon RX 6600, driver 23.10.2 and it worked fine a month or so ago on 1.10.5, and previously with the earlier release of 1.10.6, but not after updates were made to 1.10.6.

It's not a big deal to me, I'll just play on Linux and use the GOG version if I ever wanted to play on Windows I guess.

tx00100xt commented 8 months ago

Perhaps this build will have fullscreen mode in OpenGL too. SeriousSamClassicVk-20231031-win64-bin.7z.zip

just-thefacts commented 8 months ago

That one works. Thanks.