txgx42 / applesoft-lite

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Compiled from source has a bug #2

Open coopzone-dc opened 1 month ago

coopzone-dc commented 1 month ago

Hello, I hope you can help.

I downloaded the pre-built images and tried the RAM version, it seems to work ok with example below.

However I tried to build the same version from source, build was ok. But when you run the same program (below) it starts to work, then about 2/3 the way through it locks up and I have to hardware reset. at 7 x 9 in the loops. If i remove the string functions it does seem to work.

This suggests an issue with building, perhaps a different process? Can you give me your build process and perhaps versions used?

Example code that fails on build from source:

10 FOR X = 1 TO 10 15 FOR Y = 1 TO 10 20 PRINT LEFT$ (" " + STR$ (X * Y),5); 30 NEXT Y 40 PRINT 50 NEXT X