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lecture: testing #23

Open timm opened 4 years ago

timm commented 4 years ago

TDD: red green reactor

premise: tests are short. often not. long overnight runs. LN experience. Goolge experience. test case prioritization.

TDD results: can't define TDD. can't show that it is useful

also, hard to build good tests. phd example.y

also testing is impossibly. maths f sampling. 100% certainly is infinitely experience.

why is testing possible: narrow valleys climbs. GCC. ostrand, . not testing. focusing on where it matters. ndistrial studies with testing

testing is not certainty. statistical process of reducing issues, not removing them. layers of oracles. when do u call in the g guns

testing for safety cirtical systems is a different animal. demand u mining isystem. eg. rules for safety critical. small size. on one main loop. if you can find it n 15 seconds go look got it sit safe way

different kinds of testing: tender man usability. ini. system.

mechanics of test