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better ethics essay #1

Open timm opened 3 years ago

timm commented 3 years ago

respond at n levels

note that not all things can be answered at all elvesl

also, at the technical elvel f: anything that could be done:

note that for AI system tjere are some interesting technical options. e.g. sampling spec and off spec.

timm commented 3 years ago

some stragne traffic in the student essays about Shneiderman’s eight golden rules. not sure they are reelvant here

timm commented 3 years ago


sources for ethics: killer robot: http://syllabus.cs.manchester.ac.uk/ugt/2020/COMP10120/AbridgedKillerRobot.html

killer software, with lasers: https://web.stanford.edu/class/cs99r/readings/parnas1.pdf

Privacy (and street view) http://courses.ics.hawaii.edu/ReviewICS314/morea/ethics/experience-se-ethics-case-study-privacy.html Pinned by Nick Garner

killer pharmacy code: http://courses.ics.hawaii.edu/ReviewICS314/morea/ethics/experience-se-ethics-case-study-shameful-code.html


timm commented 3 years ago

also, when testing, should see different results for different staekholders.

need a trade of matric
