txty-io / texterify

The translation and localization management system.
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500 interanl server error #111

Closed visla-xugeng closed 1 year ago

visla-xugeng commented 2 years ago


We are facing this error: 500 Internal Server Error, when we download data with JSON Flat format. We did not have this issue before. Below is the project setting: image

Besides this, recently, we rebuilt the web image with the latest code on the your repo. Any help will be appreciated.

visla-xugeng commented 2 years ago


visla-xugeng commented 2 years ago

@chrztoph After reviewing this 500 error, I found it came from app server, the error is related to split_on. Please be noted that I am using your latest docker image (pulled from docker hub.). After went through your commit history, I found that you added split_on on Feb. Not sure why the latest code still got this error.

[2022-04-09T18:10:27.479054 #1]  INFO -- : [4c34bcf2-a096-487e-a7d0-f139f88e0f20] Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 2393ms (ActiveRecord: 621.3ms | Allocations: 797701)
F, [2022-04-09T18:10:27.479625 #1] FATAL -- : [4c34bcf2-a096-487e-a7d0-f139f88e0f20]   
[4c34bcf2-a096-487e-a7d0-f139f88e0f20] NoMethodError (undefined method `split_on' for #<ExportConfig:0x000055c03a236978>):
[4c34bcf2-a096-487e-a7d0-f139f88e0f20] app/models/export_config.rb:134:in `json'
[4c34bcf2-a096-487e-a7d0-f139f88e0f20] app/models/export_config.rb:74:in `file'
[4c34bcf2-a096-487e-a7d0-f139f88e0f20] app/helpers/export_helper.rb:167:in `block (3 levels) in create_export'
[4c34bcf2-a096-487e-a7d0-f139f88e0f20] app/helpers/export_helper.rb:155:in `loop'
[4c34bcf2-a096-487e-a7d0-f139f88e0f20] app/helpers/export_helper.rb:155:in `block (2 levels) in create_export'
[4c34bcf2-a096-487e-a7d0-f139f88e0f20] app/helpers/export_helper.rb:142:in `block in create_export'
[4c34bcf2-a096-487e-a7d0-f139f88e0f20] app/helpers/export_helper.rb:138:in `create_export'
chrztoph commented 2 years ago


can you reproduce this issue also on the live service?

If you are running the service locally you may have missed to apply the latest database migrations:

docker-compose exec app bin/rails db:migrate db:seed

See also: https://docs.texterify.com/installation#updating-the-service

visla-xugeng commented 2 years ago

@chrztoph , Can you explain the database migration more? I have a running postgresql db where I created texterify DB inside. (The postgresql is an external DB.) When I rebuilt my texterify, I did not touch the texterify DB. I am not sure if I still need db migration. If yes, how?

chrztoph commented 2 years ago

I don't know how you set up the service, but if you use the docker-compose setup you must run:

docker-compose exec app bin/rails db:migrate db:seed

Otherwise connect to your app server and run bin/rails db:migrate db:seed

chrztoph commented 2 years ago

Were you able to resolve your issue?

visla-xugeng commented 2 years ago

@chrztoph We rollback to the previous version to skip this "split_on" issue. As I mentioned early, we are using an external postgresql DB to work with texterify (not inside of texterify). Not sure how to do DB migration. Too much busy to test DB things.

chrztoph commented 1 year ago

This issue should be fixed in the latest version. Thank you for the feedback.