Closed xautjzd closed 10 years ago
Are you still seeing this issue? Can you show a list of the files/directories in the folder you're trying to run vimdeck
Any update on this? Did you ever get it to work? Maybe try a newer version?
For me this is related with changing the working directory on opening files, like my spf-13 .vimrc does :
if !exists('g:spf13_no_autochdir')
autocmd BufEnter * if bufname("") !~ "^\[A-Za-z0-9\]*://" | lcd %:p:h | endif
" Always switch to the current file directory
So after opening vimdeck the lcd is presentation and source presentation/script.vim
fails, but source script.vim
works. Maybe you can add a check to see if you are already inside of the presentation folder?
That's odd. Vimdeck is simply running vim presentation/*.md -S presentation/script.vim
to open the presentation. You'd think that it would run any scripts defined with -S
before it ran your normal vimrc stuff.
I can't really add anything to vimdeck to help avoid this. Vimdeck's ruby script doesn't know what your vimrc is going to do, and script.vim isn't loading so I can't detect it at runtime. Even if I could, automatically changing into the file's directory isn't the only concern. Some people may put crazy stuff like cd ~/src
into their vimrc.
The best thing I can do is provide a workaround. I recommend putting something like this in your bashrc/bash_profile:
alias vdeck='vimdeck generate && vim presentation/*.md -S script.vim'
I had the same problem. I removed the "autochdir" option in my vimrc and vimdeck then worked normally.
I installed markdown syntax highlighting plugin(tpope/vim-markdown) and SyntaxRange plugin as README, but when I run
gem install vimdeck
, get errors as follow:after run
yum install ImageMagick-devel
and reinstall vimdeck, it's OK. So I think vimdeck may depend on rmagick. will it be better to add it to README.?after installing vimdeck successfully, I write a file,it's content as follows:
when finishing, I run
, I get the error:but I can find presentation/script.vim in the same directory as