tycomo / ngx-ssrs-reportviewer

Simple Angular report viewer component for SQL Server Reporting Services
MIT License
51 stars 22 forks source link

Hello tycomo, I got an error related compatible issue #83

Open jagadeeshkornu opened 1 month ago

jagadeeshkornu commented 1 month ago

when I installed ssrs report viewer latest version 3.1.1 and my project angular CLI is @13.2.6 I got an compatible issue like

'ReportViewerModule' does not appear to be an NgModule class.(-996002) reportviewer.module.d.ts(1, 22): This likely means that the library (ngx-ssrs-reportviewer) which declares ReportViewerModule is not compatible with Angular Ivy. Check if a newer version of the library is available, and update if so. Also consider checking with the library's authors to see if the library is expected to be compatible with Ivy.

could please tell me, how to overcome this issue

danisss9 commented 1 week ago

This repo does not support the Angular Ivy compiler. So only angular versions < 13 are supported.

I made a fork that adds support to more recent angular versions here.