tydeno / Ploto

A Windows PowerShell based Chia Plotting Manager. Lets you automatically spawn and move plots. Sends you notifications on the go.
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Chia 1.1.6 fresh Windows installation: Plotter folder does not exist? #76

Closed realdevnullius closed 3 years ago

realdevnullius commented 3 years ago

`PS C:\Windows\system32> Start-PlotoSpawns PlotoManager @ 2-6-2021 19:04:09 : Ploto Manager started. PlotoManager @ 2-6-2021 19:04:09 : Loading config from C:\Users\Gebruiker.chia\mainnet\config\PlotoSpawnerConfig.json... PlotoManager @ 2-6-2021 19:04:09 : InputAmountToSpawn: 100 PlotoManager @ 2-6-2021 19:04:09 : Intervall to wait: 5 PlotoManager @ 2-6-2021 19:04:09 : PlotoFy is set to startup. Checking for active PlotoFy jobs... PlotoManager @ 2-6-2021 19:04:09 : We have found active PlotoFy jobs. Stopping it and starting fresh...

Id Name PSJobTypeName State HasMoreData Location Command

3 PlotoFy BackgroundJob Running True localhost ... PlotoManager @ 2-6-2021 19:04:09 : Started PlotoFy successfully. Check your Discord

Get-ChildItem : Cannot find path 'C:\Users\Gebruiker\.chia\mainnet\plotter\' because it does not exist. At C:\Users\Gebruiker\Downloads\Ploto\Ploto.psm1:1145 char:9

Invoke-PlotoJob : Cannot bind argument to parameter 'OutDriveDenom' because it is null. At C:\Users\Gebruiker\Downloads\Ploto\Ploto.psm1:1106 char:104

I installed chia 1.1.6 today on a fresh desktop. There indeed is no folder "plotter" on my machine. The official wallet is started and syncing. User error? Or bug? :)

realdevnullius commented 3 years ago

C:\Users\Gebruiker.chia\mainnet\plotter isn't a directory either. I did an explorer search on "plotter" and it found 0 results.

KillaDreams commented 3 years ago

Missing the \ after gebruiker and before .chia ??

C:\Users\Gebruiker.chia\mainnet instead of C:\Users\Gebruiker.chia\mainnet

That looks like a user error? :) BUT... C:\Users\Gebruiker.chia\mainnet\plotter isn't a directory either. I did an explorer search on "plotter"

realdevnullius commented 3 years ago

yeah that was github - should be corrected now: it removed the \ in view. But good catch :)

I really don't have the plotter folder on my fresh PC with fresh 1.1.6 (Windows). Where is it? :(


KillaDreams commented 3 years ago

I believe it is generated by Chia.exe (GUI) or chia.exe (CLI) upon plotting for first time but it should be exactly where it's pointed at so just create the folder manually and you should be good to go

realdevnullius commented 3 years ago

I was just testing a plot with the GUI :) And if that doesn't work I'll create a plotter folder. Thank you! I'll update & close once confirmed.


KillaDreams commented 3 years ago

Did you setup the config file and drop it in .chia\mainnet\config

realdevnullius commented 3 years ago

Confirmed: after starting a plot with the GUI a plotter folder was created and it contains a log file, no software. All good! My bad apparently :)

realdevnullius commented 3 years ago

Did you setup the config file and drop it in .chia\mainnet\config

Yep did that too. I think it's solved and I'll close it for now. If I learn differently, I'll start bugging ya'all again ;-)