tyejae / msf.gg.public

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Suggestion: Battle simulator #320

Open morgans3 opened 3 years ago

morgans3 commented 3 years ago

Using a machine learning script in a container, queried over a HTTPs restful api that will run simulations on a battle based on characters involved and additional criteria (war parameters, equiped iso8s, etc)

I've toyed with the idea using neural networks but unfortunately don't have enough of the assumptions/variables and data to train the model effectively.

The end goal would be adding to the war bot in discord to be able to "test" simulate all of your available counters to see which has the highest probability of winning

tyejae commented 3 years ago

I unfortunately don't have the experience with data modeling for proper machine learning. It's something I've been interested in for a long time, but haven't been able to dedicate the time to learn it. I'll leave this here as a reminder, but likely will not get to something like this for a very long time.