tyfkda / xcc

Standalone C compiler/assembler/linker/libc for x86-64/aarch64/riscv64/wasm
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Asyncify #136

Open tyfkda opened 8 months ago

tyfkda commented 8 months ago
pmp-p commented 8 months ago

Please ( Pretty please ) use performant true coroutines with a relooper, stackless C memory allocation management and registers.

The reason is asyncify is way too generic to get wasm or softrealtime decent performance. Especially for games engines which must yield slightly before vsync. C coders know where the hotspots are just give them a nice tool, don't hope for some generic tool do correct guesswork (and does not handle recursions efficently).

See https://github.com/mys-lang/mys/discussions/17 for a very rough schematic and for in depth : c++ thread that could be usefull https://groups.google.com/a/isocpp.org/g/std-proposals/c/jJIO4ChPf-0

tyfkda commented 8 months ago

@pmp-p Thank you for your advice. I'll look into it.