tyh-19 / Pipeline-for-multiomics

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/BioII/lulab_b/taoyuhuan/cfRNAseq/reference and tools #1

Closed yuanG2000 closed 6 months ago

yuanG2000 commented 6 months ago

hello, i wonder What is the file in this path,or how to generate them. thanks a lot d53ea62b7b23dbfdea6d0b72b89282f

tyh-19 commented 6 months ago

Thanks for reminding. I have uploaded the reference files to a cloud storage (which are too large to be included in github). Here is the link for downloading: https://cloud.tsinghua.edu.cn/d/32d6cf0e8f2045218671/

Note: Files in reference/genome_index/star/hg38_long/ are too large to share (~29G), but you can generate the index files by the following command using STAR_2.5.3a: STAR --runMode genomeGenerate --genomeDir ~/reference/genome_index/star/hg38_long/ \ --genomeFastaFiles ~/reference/reference_genome/fasta/hg38.fa \ --sjdbGTFfile ~/reference/gtf/long_RNA.gtf \ --sjdbOverhang 149 \ --runThreadN 20

The following is all files contained in the reference directory: reference/ ├── bed │   ├── antisense.bed │   ├── enhancer.bed │   ├── exon.bed │   ├── gene.bed │   ├── intron.bed │   ├── lncRNA.bed │   ├── miRNA.bed │   ├── mRNA.bed │   ├── mRNA-Mt.bed │   ├── mRNA-noMt.bed │   ├── Mt_RNA_37.bed │   ├── piRNA.bed │   ├── priority.txt │   ├── promoter.bed │   ├── pseudogene.bed │   ├── repeats.bed │   ├── snoRNA.bed │   ├── snRNA.bed │   ├── srpRNA.bed │   ├── tRNA.bed │   ├── tucpRNA.bed │   └── Y_RNA.bed ├── fasta │   ├── chrom.size │   ├── hg38.dict │   ├── hg38.fa │   └── hg38.fa.fai ├── genome_index │   └── star │   ├── circRNA │   │   ├── chrLength.txt │   │   ├── chrNameLength.txt │   │   ├── chrName.txt │   │   ├── chrStart.txt │   │   ├── Genome │   │   ├── genomeParameters.txt │   │   ├── SA │   │   └── SAindex │   ├── hg38_long │   │   ├── chrLength.txt │   │   ├── chrNameLength.txt │   │   ├── chrName.txt │   │   ├── chrStart.txt │   │   ├── exonGeTrInfo.tab │   │   ├── exonInfo.tab │   │   ├── geneInfo.tab │   │   ├── Genome │   │   ├── genomeParameters.txt │   │   ├── Log.out │   │   ├── SA │   │   ├── SAindex │   │   ├── sjdbInfo.txt │   │   ├── sjdbList.fromGTF.out.tab │   │   ├── sjdbList.out.tab │   │   └── transcriptInfo.tab │   ├── mature_miRNA │   │   ├── chrLength.txt │   │   ├── chrNameLength.txt │   │   ├── chrName.txt │   │   ├── chrStart.txt │   │   ├── Genome │   │   ├── genomeParameters.txt │   │   ├── SA │   │   └── SAindex │   ├── miRNA │   │   ├── chrLength.txt │   │   ├── chrNameLength.txt │   │   ├── chrName.txt │   │   ├── chrStart.txt │   │   ├── Genome │   │   ├── genomeParameters.txt │   │   ├── SA │   │   └── SAindex │   ├── rRNA │   │   ├── chrLength.txt │   │   ├── chrNameLength.txt │   │   ├── chrName.txt │   │   ├── chrStart.txt │   │   ├── Genome │   │   ├── genomeParameters.txt │   │   ├── SA │   │   └── SAindex │   ├── spikein_long │   │   ├── Aligned.out.bam │   │   ├── chrLength.txt │   │   ├── chrNameLength.txt │   │   ├── chrName.txt │   │   ├── chrStart.txt │   │   ├── Genome │   │   ├── genomeParameters.txt │   │   ├── Log.out │   │   ├── Log.progress.out │   │   ├── SA │   │   ├── SAindex │   │   ├── _STARtmp │   │   ├── Unmapped.out.mate1 │   │   └── Unmapped.out.mate2 │   ├── spikein_small │   │   ├── chrLength.txt │   │   ├── chrNameLength.txt │   │   ├── chrName.txt │   │   ├── chrStart.txt │   │   ├── Genome │   │   ├── genomeParameters.txt │   │   ├── SA │   │   └── SAindex │   └── univec │   ├── chrLength.txt │   ├── chrNameLength.txt │   ├── chrName.txt │   ├── chrStart.txt │   ├── Genome │   ├── genomeParameters.txt │   ├── SA │   └── SAindex └── gtf ├── long_RNA.gtf └── reference_genes.txt

yuanG2000 commented 6 months ago

thx! i have downloaded all files,they help me a lot.

tyh-19 commented 6 months ago

OK, i will close this issue.