tyhenry / CheapStepper

Arduino library for the cheap but decent 28BYJ-48 5v stepper motor with ULN2003 board
GNU General Public License v3.0
122 stars 46 forks source link

Setting 4 non default pins does not work and a 2 motor example would be useful #1

Closed drp0 closed 7 years ago

drp0 commented 7 years ago

On ide 1.6.12 the non default call CheapStepper stepper(4, 5, 6, 7); results in the default pins (8, 9, 10, 11) being set.

if line 41 of the library .cpp file is altered from CheapStepper(); to for (int pin = 0; pin < 4; pin++) pinMode(pins[pin], OUTPUT); the new pins work.

The Non-blocking functions are very useful! My example allows simultaneous control of two stepper motors with simple left, right, forward and backward functions:

 * Stepper_cheap_newMoveTo3.ino
 * Controls 2 motors at once with simple
 * forward, backward,
 * left and right functions
 * D.R.Patterson
 * 15/03/2016
 * ///////////////////////////////////////////
 * using CheapStepper Arduino library v.0.2.0
 * created by Tyler Henry, 7/2016
 * ///////////////////////////////////////////
 * This sketch illustrates the library's
 * "non-blocking" move functions -
 * i.e. you can perform moves with the stepper over time
 * while still running other code in your loop()
 * This can be useful if your Arduino is multi-tasking,
 * but be careful: if the other code in your loop()
 * slows down your Arduino, the stepper motor may
 * slow down or move with a stutter
 * //////////////////////////////////////////////////////

// first, include the library :)
#include <CheapStepper.h>

// next, declare the stepper
// and connect pins 8,9,10,11 to IN1,IN2,IN3,IN4 on ULN2003 board

CheapStepper stepper1(8, 9, 10, 11);
CheapStepper stepper2(4, 5, 6, 7);  

const unsigned int steps = 4096;
const unsigned int halfRev = steps / 2;
boolean onedone = false;
boolean twodone = false;

void setup() {

// let's run the stepper at 12rpm (if using 5V power) - the default is ~16 rpm

the default steps is 4096 and could be omitted
is geared 63.68395:1 (measured) rather than 64:1 (advertised)
which would make the total steps 4076
for more info see: http://forum.arduino.cc/index.php?topic=71964.15

// let's print out the RPM to make sure the setting worked
  while(!Serial) yield();
Serial.print("Stepper1 RPM: "); Serial.print(stepper1.getRpm());
Serial.print(", Stepper2 RPM: "); Serial.println(stepper2.getRpm());
Serial.print("Stepper1 delay (micros): "); Serial.print(stepper1.getDelay());
Serial.print(", Stepper2 delay (micros): "); Serial.println(stepper2.getDelay());

void loop() {
static unsigned int counter = 0;

// we need to call run() during loop() 
// in order to keep the stepper moving

  // if the current moves are done...
  if (!onedone)if (stepper1.getStepsLeft() == 0) onedone = true;
  if (!twodone)if (stepper2.getStepsLeft() == 0) twodone = true;

  if (twodone && onedone){
  counter ++;
    if(counter == 8){ // lets start again
    counter = 0;
    switch (counter) {
    case 0:
    case 1:
    case 2:
    case 3:
    case 4:
    case 5:
    case 6: 
    case 7:

void forward(unsigned int mydegrees){
Serial.print("Forward "); Serial.println(mydegrees); Serial.flush();  
onedone = false;
twodone = false;
stepper1.newMoveDegrees (0, mydegrees); // n degrees from current position
stepper2.newMoveDegrees (1, mydegrees);

void backward(unsigned int mydegrees){
Serial.print("Backward "); Serial.println(mydegrees); Serial.flush();  
onedone = false;
twodone = false;
stepper1.newMoveDegrees (1, mydegrees); // n degrees from current position
stepper2.newMoveDegrees (0, mydegrees);

void left(unsigned int mydegrees){
Serial.print("Left "); Serial.println(mydegrees); Serial.flush();  
onedone = false;
twodone = false;
stepper1.newMoveDegrees (1, mydegrees); // n degrees from current position
stepper2.newMoveDegrees (1, mydegrees);

void right(unsigned int mydegrees){
Serial.print("Right "); Serial.println(mydegrees); Serial.flush();  
onedone = false;
twodone = false;
stepper1.newMoveDegrees (0, mydegrees); // n degrees from current position
stepper2.newMoveDegrees (0, mydegrees);


matonym commented 7 years ago

I've had the same issue. This should be updated in the source. Thanks for the workaround

tyhenry commented 7 years ago

Thanks for opening this issue, and sorry for the LOOONG delay (I was out of the country for a while). I created a dev branch with the fix. If possible could you try with that branch just to double check it works? If not I will try to test soon, then will merge to master and tag as v0.2.1

tyhenry commented 7 years ago

Also please feel free to fork and make pull requests

dclobato commented 7 years ago

Hi. I have tested this branch and it is working fine! I suggest that you close this issue WITHOUT changing the code and focus on issue 2 as all changes from the branch proposed here is also there.