tylerbutler / engineer

A static website generator written in Python.
MIT License
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tweet and propane_distribution pkgs missing after git clone #59

Closed ferriswheel closed 11 years ago

ferriswheel commented 11 years ago

hello Tyler,

the code for tweet and propane_distribution is not installed with a git clone. this is the first project that i have cloned that has the 'green' folder link.

i also found this problem: IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: path(u'/opt/stmatts_engineer/_cache/config.yaml/output_cache/static/engineer/lib/tweet/tweet/jquery.tweet.js')

in './engineer/conf.py' i changed from this.

self.ENGINEER.TWEET_URL = urljoin(self.STATIC_URL, 'engineer/lib/tweet/tweet/jquery.tweet.js')

to this. self.ENGINEER.TWEET_URL = urljoin(self.STATIC_URL, 'engineer/lib/tweet/jquery.tweet.js')

regards john

tylerbutler commented 11 years ago

The engineer repository contains git submodules, so when you clone it, you need to also initialize the submodules. There is more information about this at http://git-scm.com/book/en/Git-Tools-Submodules#Cloning-a-Project-with-Submodules, but basically after you clone you need to use the following commands to initialize the submodules:

git submodule init
git submodule update

Please try that and reopen this issue if it doesn't resolve the problem. It should also address the IOError you're getting.