tylerbwong / stack

An Android app for browsing Stack Overflow and other Stack Exchange sites.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Add Ability to Edit Questions/Answers/Comments #113

Open tylerbwong opened 3 years ago

tylerbwong commented 3 years ago

https://api.stackexchange.com/docs/edit-question https://api.stackexchange.com/docs/edit-answer https://api.stackexchange.com/docs/edit-comment

PsymoNiko commented 2 months ago

There are too many different ways to hamdle this

  1. Clients can select the specific part that wants to modify, and by fetching the data and giving the abilitiy of pretty coding and those customizable option of that the very stack overflow and self correction as a medium level of performance in the application, you can give clien an awsome copying text, and redirect him to the actual website to just paste the final text

  2. Redirect him at the first to his own page and do it during the web arounding in this application and make its own page and that instance more available

  3. Or create a responsive page and authenticate with both google and stack token during the post request while data is write down by something like selenium but as an asynchronous process without the final post of confirmation of data from client to the origin stack server, and just give the sending the privet post request by the owner of account in the browser at stack website