tylerbwong / stack

An Android app for browsing Stack Overflow and other Stack Exchange sites.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Explore Adding Support for Careers RSS Feed #91

Closed tylerbwong closed 2 years ago

tylerbwong commented 3 years ago

Stack Overflow has a careers site which can be consumed in the form of an RSS feed. It would be nice to allow users to also browse these job postings.

Not sure if this is something that we can implement cleanly yet or if it fits in with the purpose of this app, but received as feedback from the Play Store.

JourneymanGeek commented 3 years ago

Looks a lot like SE's re-organising that side of things, into something called reach and relevance. Careers is likely to change dramatically over time https://stackoverflow.blog/2021/04/26/accelerating-stack-overflows-transformation/ . There's inklings of the job sites dying out, but they haven't really spelled out when or how. It might be worth seeing what/how things go