tylerchilds / cutestrap

A strong, independent CSS Framework. Only 2.7KB minified & gzipped.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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reintroduce underline on .btn--link #40

Closed patrickhlauke closed 5 years ago

patrickhlauke commented 8 years ago

as .btn:link is more specific than .btn--link, the text-decoration: none there currently overrides the intended text-decoration: underline. moving the style to .btn fixes this, allowing for <button class="btn--link">...</button> and <a href="..." class="btn btn--link">...</a> to look like actual large links (with underline)

closes https://github.com/cutestrap/cutestrap/issues/25

patrickhlauke commented 8 years ago

this fix achieves the proposed look from https://github.com/cutestrap/cutestrap/issues/25#issuecomment-234248642 (which I would recommend as a clearer example for the https://www.cutestrap.com/ "Buttons" section, since it shows how btn--link can be used to make <button> elements look like big links, and shows how btn itself when applied to a link makes it look like a button)

<button class="btn--secondary">Secondary</button>
<button class="btn--link">Link</button>
<a class="btn" href="#">Link styled as button</a>


patrickhlauke commented 8 years ago

The only thing I didn't touch, but that does need changing, is the KSS stuff at the start of _buttons.scss. I'm unfamiliar with KSS, and currently having trouble getting the gulp stuff working on my Windows 10 machine (currently it craps out precisely on the kss task itself), but I would think something like this (which likely doesn't work as is) would be good:



Buttons and their variations

<button class="{{modifier_class}}">Button</button>

.btn--secondary       - secondary button styling
.btn--link            - appears like a button-sized link

Alternatively, can be applied to links

<a href="#" class="btn {{modifier_class}}">Button</a>

.btn                  - a link that appears like a button
.btn .btn--secondary  - a link that appears like a secondary button
.btn .btn--link       - a button-sized link

Styleguide 2.0


so that basically, the generated documentation would ideally show the variants using <button>, as well as the variants using <a ...>.

patrickhlauke commented 7 years ago

Is this project still active?

tylerchilds commented 7 years ago

@patrickhlauke I'd describe it as stale for the time being. A shitty excuse is that I've been busy, but realistically I've got a real problem with how texareas work as it stands now and just haven't set aside the time to solve it, because I feel like I'd end up updating some other things I feel have fallen short. With how fast it grew, I'd want to bump up to 2.0.0 to not inadvertently break anyone's implementation and I feel like that requires some real thought on what that means for the project.

I keep tabs on it, via the forks, google analytics and comments like yours, but it's been pretty quiet, so I'm currently working on the assumption that it's served the purpose that people wanted it for. If that assumption is wrong, I can definitely set aside time to keep this going. I originally wrote it for some side projects I was working on, but have mostly been focusing on my full-time and getting away from the screen in my off-time lately.

tylerchilds commented 5 years ago

@patrickhlauke I'm actively developing Cutestrap 2 currently, moving away from Sass to vanilla CSS to use CSS variables for dynamic, runtime vertical rhythm as well as making it easier to theme.

I'd love your feedback before I get too committed to these decisions. I've got my WIP on the 2.0 branch, the meat is all in this folder: https://github.com/tylerchilds/cutestrap/tree/2.0/src/css. core.css is where the magic is happening.

I'm still a bit out from releasing it, since I want to build a couple things with it to dogfood it. But it's stable enough that more eyes could help me find my blindspots.

tylerchilds commented 5 years ago

Closing, resolved in version 2