tylerjohnhaden / __truffle-boilerplate

A shared repo for building a boilerplate smart contract project
MIT License
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RFC 1 #3

Closed tylerjohnhaden closed 5 years ago

tylerjohnhaden commented 5 years ago

Decisions that I'd like to get an opinion on:

misterzero commented 5 years ago

Using truffle-config.js instead of truffle.js or both Agreed, do what is most accessible for devs in any env

Using INFURA_PROJECT_ID as the canonical env name instead of INFURA_KEY Agreed, let's use the most accurate term

Having "config": { "ganache": { ... } } in package.json Agreed, I think this will happen anyway when we start using z_OS

Licensing with MIT rather than any other option I like MIT for flexibility, but we can discuss others

Having the repo public vs private/internal I think we'll be referencing a lot of this stuff in blog posts

Making all node modules "dev" Agreed, though there will be more prod dependencies if we add frontend code

truffleConfig.networks.development.from do we need this? Needs a bit of research, probably don't need that

Using Infura "v3" hard coded Seems legit, as you said it won't change of

Using Node v11 vs v8 Have to check compatibility with truffle, OpenZeppelin, and when you find the right match I would encode it in package.json:

"engines": {
"node": "8.11.x",
"npm": "5.6.x"

In .soliumignore, we ignore node_modules. Maybe we should have a full auditing suite that also checks any dependencies (as this is still a burgeoning field) This could be a nice enhancement, though we won't be able to fix a lot of those issues without a lot of work on other open source projects

Using custom rules in .soliumrc.json I consider OpenZeppelin a standards-setting org, I'm good with using theirs

Epic - Building a default suite of testing These are great ideas, gas estimation would be very helpful

Standardizing revert messages, and event names, and userdocs Yes! Also your note about the contract metadata (ABI, deployed addresses) is on point, we use that stuff in web3 UI apps so it would be good to standardize how we share that. In ALF I copied it to the src/assets/ folder after truffle migration. Then if the user changes their network in MetaMask, I automatically get the correct address from the generated contract metadata.

Using pragma solidity >=0.4.21 <0.6.0; in Migrations.sol I would check any examples from OpenZeppelin

Should test scripts be numbered? openzeppelin uses the pattern: "Foo.test.js" instead of "0_foo.js" Probably not necessary, unless they need to be run in a certain order (which they shouldn't, since tests are stateless).

misterzero commented 5 years ago

Sorry, not sure if I was supposed to close?

tylerjohnhaden commented 5 years ago

This is good feedback. I'm going to implement as many as possible, and create issues around any that still need work.