tylerjrichards / st-paywall

A python package for creating subscription Streamlit apps
MIT License
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we should update st.experimental_rerun to st.rerun #39

Closed marcosberghahn closed 9 months ago

marcosberghahn commented 9 months ago

st.experimental_rerun was deprecated in version 1.27.0. Uwe should use st.rerun instead. As decribed on the docs: https://docs.streamlit.io/library/api-reference/control-flow/st.experimental_rerun

Currently I'm having problems, after a user login (one that already has a subscription) the page is not reloading. I have to press 'R' on the keyboard to load the correct content. I hope this correction might resolve this.

sfc-gh-trichards commented 9 months ago

yeah you're right here, sorry about that. Will fix!

tylerjrichards commented 9 months ago

https://github.com/tylerjrichards/st-paywall/pull/43 updated