Hey, was playing around with render_preview and found a small bug. Fix was simple so I just throw it together here (make sure debug_channel is numeric before testing against it). Here is the error from the unpatched version (from ?render_preview:
generate_ground(material=diffuse(color="darkgreen")) %>%
add_object(sphere(material=diffuse(checkercolor="red"))) %>%
render_preview(light_direction = c(-1,-1,0))
## Error in preview && interactive && has_gui_capability() && debug_channel == :
## 'length(x) = 4 > 1' in coercion to 'logical(1)'
Hey, was playing around with render_preview and found a small bug. Fix was simple so I just throw it together here (make sure debug_channel is numeric before testing against it). Here is the error from the unpatched version (from