tylerpearson / lazyYT

A jQuery plugin to lazy load those dang Youtube iframe videos.
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Play/Pause buttons missing, even in demo #51

Open wimhuiskes opened 8 years ago

wimhuiskes commented 8 years ago

Like the title says. Just recently the Play/Pause buttons are missing.

mgav commented 8 years ago

Hello @wimhuiskes
I'm a novice, but I believe you can display/hide these controls using the parameter controls=1
Scroll down this page to learn more: https://developers.google.com/youtube/player_parameters Best of luck. -Mark

wimhuiskes commented 8 years ago

Hello @mgav

Problem is probably Firefox, because it doenst happen in Chrome or Safari.

mgav commented 8 years ago

Thank you @wimhuiskes - I think that's almost worse b/c the effort to fix isn't richly rewarded, since most browsers aren't affected. Best of luck! -mg

ghost commented 8 years ago

Check your Firefox plugins, Ghostery and Adblocker are the usual suspects.

Daugilas commented 8 years ago

Yes it seems to be FF problem as I also have the same issue with regular YouTube embeds.

btw.: check the latest version of this plugin: https://github.com/Daugilas/lazyYT