tylertravisty / rum-goggles

MIT License
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v0.2.0 of Rum Goggles, Crashes after signing in to the Chat bot #1

Closed tinyplayerss closed 4 months ago

tinyplayerss commented 5 months ago

Every time i Add my username and password and stream url clicked save and it Crashed.

tylertravisty commented 5 months ago

Are you including "https://" at the beginning of your stream url? I got it to crash if I copied the url without "https://". I can work on fixing this on my stream tomorrow. Let me know if you're still experiencing the crash with "https://" included.

tinyplayerss commented 5 months ago

Are you including "https://" at the beginning of your stream url? I got it to crash if I copied the url without "https://". I can work on fixing this on my stream tomorrow. Let me know if you're still experiencing the crash with "https://" included.

I added https:// manually like its in my Muscle memory, but it still crashed after Pressing save.