tylingsoft / markdown-plus

Markdown editor with extra features.
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sequenceDiagram arrowhead disappeared in exported html #72

Closed Bryant-Yang closed 7 years ago

Bryant-Yang commented 7 years ago

I'm using markdown plus app purchased on AppStore.

Create new md file, write more than one sequenceDiagram and export to html, open it in browser, you could see the arrowheads are missing except the last one. While pdf export is correct.

a->>b: the arrowhead is missing
c->>d: only the last one is ok

购买的markdown plus,画多个序列图,导出成html,只有最后一个序列图有箭头,之前的只剩横线没有箭头了。

tylerlong commented 7 years ago

Sorry man, I was in vacation this week and didn't see your message. Let me check it and get back to you later.

tylerlong commented 7 years ago

Yes I confirm this is a bug. Here is a quick workaround: https://github.com/tylingsoft/markdown-plus-plugins

Please install the plugin "SVG charts in exported HTML" and try again. With this plugin the diagrams are exported as SVG instead of PNG.

In the next release, diagram in HTML will be by default in SVG format.

Bryant-Yang commented 7 years ago

The workaround is doing well, and I keep this issue open till the new version updated.

Bryant-Yang commented 7 years ago

fixed in 2.1.0 (25)