tyllo / Framework7-VueJS

Application built on top of Framework7 and VueJS, use: demo/demo
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ERROR in chunk main [entry] #2

Open eongoo opened 8 years ago

eongoo commented 8 years ago

localhost:Framework7-VueJS eongoo$ gulp build [13:50:53] Requiring external module babel-core/register [13:53:04] Using gulpfile ~/Documents/www/vue/Framework7-VueJS/gulpfile.babel.js [13:53:04] Starting 'clean'... [13:53:04] Starting 'webpack'... [13:53:55] Version: webpack 1.13.1

ERROR in chunk main [entry] assets/scripts/[name].js No template for dependency: TemplateArgumentDependency [13:53:55] webpack is watching for changes

tyllo commented 8 years ago

This on clean fork? I tried:

git clone https://github.com/tyllo/Framework7-VueJS
cd Framework7-VueJS
npm install

No errors

node - v5.5.0 npm - 3.3.12 gulp - 3.3.12

seanmthompson commented 7 years ago

+1 Experiencing the same error.