tymondesigns / jwt-auth

🔐 JSON Web Token Authentication for Laravel & Lumen
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Unable to publish, Class 'Tymon\JWTAuth\Providers\LaravelServiceProvider' not found #1038

Open bachras opened 7 years ago

bachras commented 7 years ago

Hi all,

I have installed "tymon/jwt-auth":"1.0.0-beta.1" on Lararel 5.3.22. tymon folder was created under vendors folder, but I still received this message [RuntimeException] Could not scan for classes inside "tests/TestCase.php" which does not appear to be a file nor a folder

I have followed instructions in https://github.com/tymondesigns/jwt-auth/issues/513 and added Tymon\JWTAuth\Providers\LaravelServiceProvider::class in config/app.php file and tried to run php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Tymon\JWTAuth\Providers\LaravelServiceProvider" but I receive this error:

[Symfony\Component\Debug\Exception\FatalThrowableError] Class 'Tymon\JWTAuth\Providers\LaravelServiceProvider' not found

LaravelServiceProvider.php file exists in the vendors folder. I have read all posts relating to this issue but most of them are regarding older versions and they suggests same thing want I already did. Am I doing something wrong? Could anybody give me some advise? Any help would be highly appreciated. Thanks

TomKeyte commented 7 years ago

You need to also add the alias to config/app.php like so:

'aliases' = [
//other aliases
'JWTAuth' => Tymon\JWTAuth\Facades\JWTAuth::class,
'JWTFactory' => Tymon\JWTAuthFacades\JWTFactory::class`

and then include it at the top of the PHP file you want to use it in, like

use JWTAuth;
bachras commented 7 years ago

@TomKeyte Thank you for reply, I forgot to mention that I had included aliases as well. Still trying to figure what the problem is.

dwoldo commented 7 years ago

@bachras I hit the same error. I removed all references to jwt-auth, then removed the package from composer, ran composer update. After success I added jwt-auth, tagged at 1.0.0-beta.2, ran composer update and then re-added references to app.php and ran composer update (just to be sure).

Finally, I ran: php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Tymon\JWTAuth\Providers\LaravelServiceProvider"

bachras commented 7 years ago

@dwoldo Thanks for response. I have tried installing beta 2, but i hit the same problem. I don't want to update all composer components as some packages may stop working with newer versions( I already have similar issues in the past). Do you know any other way without updating all composer packages. Thanks.

fredroo commented 7 years ago

changed Class 'Tymon\JWTAuth\Providers\JWTAuthServiceProvider' to Tymon\JWTAuth\Providers\LaravelServiceProvider::class

run: php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Tymon\JWTAuth\Providers\LaravelServiceProvider"

cieniurobot commented 6 years ago

Solution for Laravel 5.5:

Add library to composer.json:

"require": {
    "tymon/jwt-auth": "1.0.0-beta.3"

Run this command in console: composer update

Add provider in config/app.php:

'providers' => [

Add aliases in the same file `config/app.php':

'aliases' => [
    'JWTAuth' => Tymon\JWTAuth\Facades\JWTAuth::class,
    'JWTFactory' => Tymon\JWTAuth\Facades\JWTFactory::class,

And then run command in console: php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Tymon\JWTAuth\Providers\LaravelServiceProvider" next run: php artisan jwt:secret

And you can configure JWTAuth in next steps in: https://github.com/tymondesigns/jwt-auth/wiki/Configuration

achchu93 commented 6 years ago

@cieniurobot Thanks alot worked with "tymon/jwt-auth": "^0.5.12" also.

kobidkunda commented 6 years ago

use this working Tymon\JWTAuth\Providers\LaravelServiceProvider::class,

guillaume-raineri commented 6 years ago

I personnaly managed to cleanely install it by using "tymon/jwt-auth": "1.0.0-rc.1" in my composer.json. With Laravel 5.5.20.

Hope it helps!

maneeshms commented 6 years ago

Always getting In ProviderRepository.php line 208:

Class 'Tymon\JWTAuth\Providers\LaravelServiceProvider' not found in Laravel 5.6

anikethsaha commented 6 years ago

i have the same problem as jwt-auth 0.5.12 doesnt create any


so kindly go to


and check for any


and paste the .php file in


and do composer update and then do the php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Tymon\JWTAuth\Providers\LaravelServiceProvider"

hmamman commented 6 years ago

For Laravel 5.6 use the following steps:

change the service provider from:




then publish it as:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Tymon\JWTAuth\Providers\JWTAuthServiceProvider"
chrislow commented 6 years ago

Solution for Laravel 5.6:

1.) Add library to composer.json:

"require": {
    "tymon/jwt-auth": "1.0.0-rc.2"

2.) Run this command in console:

$ composer update && composer install

3.) Remove any Tymon\JWT provider from config/app.php

4.) Delete Laravel Cache folders to remove old dependencies:

Delete the files in following folders: .../bootstrap/cache/services.php .../bootstrap/cache/config.php

5.) And then run those commands in console:

$ php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Tymon\JWTAuth\Providers\LaravelServiceProvider"
$ php artisan jwt:secret
Newtypcr commented 6 years ago


P4Thi0ut commented 6 years ago

@cieniurobot tested and approuved solution for v 5.5 !

timolinn commented 6 years ago

@chrislow Thanks a lot! It worked for me :)

bizongmun commented 6 years ago

Thanks a lot! It safed for me

SirDannyMunn commented 6 years ago

Upgrade to the following for Laravel >5.5

"require-dev": { "tymon/jwt-auth": "1.0.*" },

See version compatibility here

Jason-Nake commented 6 years ago

Today i have meet the same problem,and my Laravel version is 5.6.37.According to the official document ,i configuration the composer.json "tymon/jwt-auth": "1.0.0.*" and configuration the app.php service provider Tymon\JWTAuth\Providers\JWTAuthServiceProvider::class and aliases: 'JWTAuth' => Tymon\JWTAuth\Facades\JWTAuth::class, 'JWTFactory' => Tymon\JWTAuth\Facades\JWTFactory::class but, when i run php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Tymon\JWTAuth\Providers\JWTAuthServiceProvider" ,received this message "Unable to publish, Class 'Tymon\JWTAuth\Providers\LaravelServiceProvider' not found " ,i try to find this file,but this file does not exist.so i change provder as "Tymon\JWTAuth\Providers\LaravelServiceProvider::class",it works,receive this message "Publishing complete.",then ,i execute "php artisan jwt:generate " i receive this message: “ Did you mean one of these? event:generate ide-helper:generate jwt:secret key:generate ” i chose jwt:secret ,it's workds!

stafin commented 5 years ago

@chrislow thanks... LARAVEL 5.7 ok

avrahamm commented 5 years ago

adapted App\User by https://blog.pusher.com/laravel-jwt and got the token $credentials = $request->only('email', 'password'); $token = JWTAuth::attempt($credentials)

itsnotvalid commented 5 years ago

On Laravel 5.5+, there is already a feature called package auto discovery, which means that you shouldn't run artisan vendor:publish but instead should run artisan package:discover, which in your composer.json could include the recommended scripts to be run upon composer install:

        "post-autoload-dump": [
            "@php artisan package:discover --ansi"

(latest version here: https://github.com/laravel/laravel/blob/master/composer.json)

aymard229 commented 5 years ago

@chrislow thks a lot

mugisham commented 5 years ago

Go to config/jwt.php file change following provider : for "tymon/jwt-auth": "1.0.0-rc.3" NamshiAdapter to Namshi IlluminateAuthAdapter to Illuminate IlluminateCacheAdapter to Illuminate

aomini commented 5 years ago

I was having the same problem after clone... Then i commented out Tymon\JWTAuth\Providers\LaravelServiceProvider::class, on my config\app.php then published the vendor and uncommented it and it worked fine

tsogi commented 5 years ago

For Laravel 5.7:

1) composer.json (note we need version 1.0.0-rc.3 for laravel 5.7)

``` "require": { ... "tymon/jwt-auth": "1.0.0-rc.3" ... }, ```

2) update composer

`composer update`

3) publish vendor

`php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Tymon\JWTAuth\Providers\LaravelServiceProvider"`

4) generate key

`php artisan jwt:secret`

4) add aliases in config/app.php

``` "aliases" => [ ... 'JWTAuth' => Tymon\JWTAuth\Facades\JWTAuth::class, 'JWTFactory' => Tymon\JWTAuth\Facades\JWTFactory::class, ... ] ```
gjae commented 5 years ago

Solution for Laravel 5.5:

Add library to composer.json:

"require": {
    "tymon/jwt-auth": "1.0.0-beta.3"

Run this command in console: composer update

Add provider in config/app.php:

'providers' => [

Add aliases in the same file `config/app.php':

'aliases' => [
    'JWTAuth' => Tymon\JWTAuth\Facades\JWTAuth::class,
    'JWTFactory' => Tymon\JWTAuth\Facades\JWTFactory::class,

And then run command in console: php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Tymon\JWTAuth\Providers\LaravelServiceProvider" next run: php artisan jwt:secret

And you can configure JWTAuth in next steps in: https://github.com/tymondesigns/jwt-auth/wiki/Configuration

Now in 2019, this work

ciarlystreet commented 5 years ago

I had the same problem, I solved this way

I removed provider from 'config/app.php':

'providers' => [

I removed aliases in the same file 'config/app.php':

'aliases' => [
    'JWTAuth' => Tymon\JWTAuth\Facades\JWTAuth::class,
    'JWTFactory' => Tymon\JWTAuth\Facades\JWTFactory::class,

I removed 'tymon/jwt-aut' from composer require and i runned command in console: composer update

I installed 'tymon/jwt-aut' with this command: composer require tymon/jwt-auth dev-develop

I added provider in 'config/app.php':

'providers' => [

I published the package config file: php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Tymon\JWTAuth\Providers\LaravelServiceProvider"

And generated a key: php artisan jwt:secret

Laravel Framework 5.8.16

laravel10 commented 4 years ago

This worked for me: https://jwt-auth.readthedocs.io/en/docs/laravel-installation/

laravel10 commented 4 years ago

just follow the steps in the documnetation

stale[bot] commented 3 years ago

Is this still relevant? If so, what is blocking it? Is there anything you can do to help move it forward?

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