typecode / typester

:black_nib: A WYSIWYG that gives you predictable and clean HTML
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ShadowDom #49

Open eskan opened 5 years ago

eskan commented 5 years ago

Hello, it seems typester doeasn't play well with ShadowDom. Do you have tested it with shadowdom ? i've build a small sample https://stackblitz.com/edit/lit-demo-typester When you select text it throw an error. Let me know if i "can" help you, i'll like to get it worked. thx

fredevery commented 5 years ago

@eskan Thanks for the issue. We'll take a look. We hadn't really foreseen it working with shadow dom, but if it will make the package more useful we'll take a look. You are more than welcome to fork the repo and submit a PR with a fix candidate though.

eskan commented 5 years ago

i'd liked to but i can't be able to understand how your piece of code works :( ... i'll try again !

fredevery commented 5 years ago

@eskan I have managed to carve a little time out to debug this issue. I haven't figured out exactly why this is happening though, I'm just letting you know I'm on it.