I downloaded and unzipped
within the directory: Dataset/TissueNet/
Then I wrote a migrator to upload all the tissue names from all files that are within: Dataset/TissueNet/HPA-protein/
The code i have written also checks if the tissue name is already present in the bio-covid database (after calling all the other previous migrators).
TissueNet I followed the link provided for TissueNet from the original documentation: https://netbio.bgu.ac.il/labwebsite/tissuenet-v-2-download/
I downloaded and unzipped HPA-Protein.zip within the directory: Dataset/TissueNet/
Then I wrote a migrator to upload all the tissue names from all files that are within: Dataset/TissueNet/HPA-protein/ The code i have written also checks if the tissue name is already present in the bio-covid database (after calling all the other previous migrators).