- case: foo
- val: bool
rt: 'def (builtins.object =) -> builtins.bool'
main: |
reveal_type({{ val }}) # N: Revealed type is "{{ rt }}"
E pytest_mypy_plugins.utils.TypecheckAssertionError: Invalid output:
E Actual:
E main:1: note: Revealed type is "def (builtins.object =) -> builtins.bool" (diff)
E Expected:
E main:1: note: Revealed type is "def (builtins.object =) -> bool" (diff)
E Alignment of first line difference:
E E: ... "def (builtins.object =) -> bool"
E A: ... "def (builtins.object =) -> builtins.bool"
E ^
This is not due to yaml, but due to chevron escaping html characters. Only way to get around it is to not use parametrized, which makes for a lot more repeated code
This is not due to yaml, but due to chevron escaping html characters. Only way to get around it is to not use parametrized, which makes for a lot more repeated code