typedoc2md / typedoc-plugin-markdown

A plugin for TypeDoc that enables TypeScript API documentation to be generated in Markdown.
MIT License
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Unexpected character `\` (U+005C) in name #679

Closed DavidBal closed 3 weeks ago

DavidBal commented 3 weeks ago

What package is the bug related to?


Describe the issue


when we try to create the markdown for docusaurus, the markdown files are created but some of them create the following error:

ERROR in ./docs/api/SDK/C.S.S.ADO/classes/ADORecord.md
Module build failed (from ./node_modules/@docusaurus/mdx-loader/lib/index.js):
Error: MDX compilation failed for file "C:\Temp\Docusaurus\my-website\docs\api\SDK\C.S.S.ADO\classes\ADORecord.md"
Cause: Unexpected character `\` (U+005C) in name, expected a name character such as letters, digits, `$`, or `_`; whitespace before attributes; or the end of the tag
  "column": 22,
  "message": "Unexpected character `\\` (U+005C) in name, expected a name character such as letters, digits, `$`, or `_`; whitespace before attributes; or the end of the tag",
  "line": 244,
  "name": "244:22",
  "place": {
    "line": 244,
    "column": 22,
    "offset": 5044,
    "_index": 0,
    "_bufferIndex": 21
  "reason": "Unexpected character `\\` (U+005C) in name, expected a name character such as letters, digits, `$`, or `_`; whitespace before attributes; or the end of the tag",
  "ruleId": "unexpected-character",
  "source": "micromark-extension-mdx-jsx",
  "url": "https://github.com/micromark/micromark-extension-mdx-jsx#unexpected-character-at-expected-expect"

    at Object.mdxLoader (C:\Temp\Docusaurus\my-website\node_modules\@docusaurus\mdx-loader\lib\loader.js:130:25)

This ist the created markdown:


### TryGetContentsValueByName()

> **TryGetContentsValueByName**\<`T`\>(`t`, `fieldName`): [`TryResult`](../../C.S.S.Shared/classes/TryResult.md)\<`T`\>

Versucht den Wert des übergebenen Feldes auszulesen. Ist das Feld nicht vorhanden oder kann nicht konvertiert werden `false` zurückgegeben.  
Das [LastError](ADOHelper.md#lasterror) Objekt wird im Falle eines Fehlers ausgelöst

#### Type Parameters

• **T** *extends* `string` \| `number` \| `boolean` \| `Date`

#### Parameters

• **t**: [`CLType`](../../C.S.S.Shared/classes/CLType.md)\<`T`\>

Generischer Parameter. Der Wert muss einem Wert von [CLType](../../C.S.S.Shared/classes/CLType.md) entsprechen

• **fieldName**: `string`


#### Returns


Gibt ein [TryResult<T\>](../../C.S.S.Shared/classes/TryResult.md) zurück.

#### Defined in



The function looks like this:

    * Versucht den Wert des übergebenen Feldes auszulesen. Ist das Feld nicht vorhanden oder kann nicht konvertiert werden `false` zurückgegeben.  
    * Das {@link ADOHelper.LastError | LastError} Objekt wird im Falle eines Fehlers ausgelöst
    * @param t - Generischer Parameter. Der Wert muss einem Wert von {@link CLType} entsprechen
    * @param fieldName - Feldname
    * @returns Gibt ein {@link TryResult | TryResult<T\>} zurück.
    public TryGetContentsValueByName<T extends string | number | Date | boolean>(t: CLType<T>, fieldName: string): TryResult<T> 

TypeDoc configuration

plugins: [

      // Options
        entryPoints: ["../SDK/*.ts", "../lib/*.ts"],
        tsconfig: '../tsconfig.json',
        exclude: 'src/**/*.tsx'

Expected behavior

The created markdown file should work with docusaurus.

tgreyuk commented 3 weeks ago

hi @DavidBal . You are seeing this behaviour because of this line in your doc comments:

@returns Gibt ein {@link TryResult | TryResult<T\>} zurück.

TryResult<T\> is not valid MDX.

You have 2 options to fix this:

1) Additionally escape the opening bracket


2) Add siteConfig.markdown.format: 'detect' to docusaurus.config which will parse as commonMark,

DavidBal commented 3 weeks ago

Hi @tgreyuk,

thanks for the answer adding the \ in front of the < fixed this problem.

Kind regards, David