Closed davelab6 closed 9 years ago
When I load open sans, the Regular appears as 'undefined 400' and when I edit family to correct this, it is shown as Regular and I can't edit it:
@GeneralMaximus explained in a call that the preferredFamily/SubFamily is checked first, then the PS-Name is taken and split on the dash, and then the Family and Style are checked. Probably there is no -Regular in the PS-Name.
Also with Open Sans Condensed, splitting on PS-Name creates a familyname of 'OpenSans' and a stylename of 'CondensedBold', so lets eliminate the PS-Name based approach.
Sometimes families do not have correct usWeightClass or preferredStyleName binary metadata, and therefore the automatic conversion of a set of font files into a CSS Family of 18 styles (9 weights x roman/italic) does not work correctly. Therefore allow the user to override the CSS Family arrangement in a simple way.
For example,
Edit CSS Family Metadata
Family italic 400
) into form input boxes, and when the user changes their contents, update their CSS family with the new values.