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Add rendezvous upstart script #111

Closed geoffxy closed 6 years ago

geoffxy commented 6 years ago

This adds an upstart script that can be used on the server to keep the rendezvous server running. I've already copied it over and started the server process. For future reference, this file needs to be copied over to /etc/init for upstart to be able to find it.

To start the server: sudo initctl start tandem-rendezvous

Restart: sudo initctl restart tandem-rendezvous

Stop: sudo initctl stop tandem-rendezvous

To deploy you would just copy the new code over and run the restart command.

geoffxy commented 6 years ago

If it fails after 10 retries within 5 seconds it gives up trying to start the server. That should only really happen if there's a significant problem with the server code that causes it to crash loop (e.g. there's a logic error that causes some exception to always be thrown).