typeintandem / tandem

Typing in Tandem. Decentralized, cross-editor, collaborative text-editing!
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add support for a TeX/LaTeX editor with Tandem #136

Open monperrus opened 6 years ago

monperrus commented 6 years ago

I'm extensively using real-time collaborative edition for TeX/LaTeX documents.

Today, this usage is dominated by Overleaf/Sharelatex which are both somehow proprietary.

Yesterday, there was bluelatex (full disclosure: I was one of the author, together with @tdurieux and @satabin), but the project has stalled, in particular because of serious bugs / limitations in the synchronization.

It would be great to have collaborative edition for TeX/LaTeX documents coming again in the free world, and having Tandem support in a Linux TeX/LaTeX editor (eg TeXWorks) would be a solution!

monperrus commented 6 years ago

See also https://github.com/gnieh/bluelatex/issues/276