typelead / etlas

Etlas, the build tool and package manager for the Eta programming language
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'install' command #107

Open georgefst opened 4 years ago

georgefst commented 4 years ago

As far as I can tell etlas install doesn't actually do anything. Whichever combination of flags I use, there is no sign that build products have been placed anywhere.

In particular, I want to influence where the .jar I build is placed, but running etlas install --bindir=foo does not put anything in the directory foo.

The only alternative seems to be to run etlas build and manually copy it from deep in dist.

jneira commented 4 years ago

What is your os? I am afraid install doesnt work in windows yet (see #64)

For *nix systems i think the appropiate cli option would be --symlink-bindir (etlas uses the cabal v2-install by default)

georgefst commented 4 years ago

I'm on Linux. At the time of posting this I was on my work laptop (Ubuntu 16), but I've just tried it on my home system (Manjaro) and found the same behaviour, even with --symlink-bindir.

I use cabal v2- on a daily basis, and was expecting etlas to work in mostly the same way.

jneira commented 4 years ago

I see, could you share the output of etlas install -v3 to get a more verbose output? (it should include the version of etlas too)