typelead / etlas

Etlas, the build tool and package manager for the Eta programming language
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Are older versions of Etlas no longer supported? #29

Closed y-taka-23 closed 6 years ago

y-taka-23 commented 6 years ago

I found that, after the release of v1.2.0.0, the older versions (<= v1.1.0.0) cannot download binaries/packages. For example, in a clean machine (namely you don't have ~/.eta nor ~/.etlas,)

$ etlas --version
etlas version
compiled using version of the etlas-cabal library

$ mkdir eta-first
$ cd eta-first
$ etlas init
Welcome to Etlas, the awesome build tool for the Eta programming language!

We are working hard to make the best platform for pure functional programming
on the Java Virtual Machine.

Etlas will periodically send usage statistics to help us:

* Make decisions on how to evolve the language

* Build a community portal that displays the data we collect in visual form

* Build an Etlas package repository that will accurately display package popularity

* And more!

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Config file path source is default config file.
Config file /home/y-taka-23/.etlas/config not found.
Writing default configuration to /home/y-taka-23/.etlas/config
Discovering the installation paths for your Eta executables...
No existing installation found for 'eta'.
Attempting to download binaries...
Downloading the latest package lists from:
- hackage.haskell.org
- etlas.typelead.com
Updating binary package index.
/home/y-taka-23/.etlas/binaries/cdnverify.eta-lang.org/index: openFile: does not exist (No such file or directory)

Do you have any workaround?

Actually first downloading indices by etlas v1.2.0.0 and then running a program by Etlas v1.0.2.0 looks working. Is it valid usage?

rahulmutt commented 6 years ago

The older versions of Etlas will no longer be supported because they unfortunately don't support the URI spec for new binary server that we have migrated to. See here.

The workaround you mentioned could work if you wanted to stay with the old version. If you are finiding any blocking problems with 1.2, please report them and we will fix them asap.

y-taka-23 commented 6 years ago

Okay, got it.

To be honest, my motivation to use the older Etlas is Scala-integration by sbt-eta. It cannot deal the newer style of the etlas deps command:


Anyway, thanks for your comments.