typelevel / cats-effect

The pure asynchronous runtime for Scala
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Add links to third-party resources #1098

Open RaasAhsan opened 4 years ago

RaasAhsan commented 4 years ago

As we're transitioning to a new documentation site, we should include links to third-party educational resources for Cats Effect to make them more accessible to users. Things like books, blog posts, trainings, videos, gists, etc. We should try to compile a list of them here.

arosien commented 4 years ago





mpilquist commented 4 years ago

Here's another video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gig-f_HXvLI

gvolpe commented 4 years ago

Here's another one (requires login): https://skillsmatter.com/skillscasts/12634-cats-effect-tagless-final-and-beyond

djspiewak commented 4 years ago

Oh to be clear on the purpose of this issue…

This doesn't have to be just restricted to resources which are free and/or available without a paywall. Books are usually not free, for example, and neither is training. Part of the purpose of this section is to give more visibility to folks (like @arosien and @gvolpe) who are building resources around Cats Effect, commercial or otherwise.

I know there's sometimes a bit of reticence to self-promote, particularly when it's not free, but this is exactly the space wherein self-promotion is being requested. :-)

djspiewak commented 4 years ago

Separately from all of the above… Here's a link to @SystemFw's Scala World talk on how fibers work: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x5_MmZVLiSM This talk, more than any other source or article, had a profound impact on the thinking which drove the design of IO in Cats Effect 3.

RaasAhsan commented 4 years ago

I think there are a ton of gists are also worth including, so: https://gist.github.com/djspiewak/46b543800958cf61af6efa8e072bfd5c is a great resource for organizing thread pools properly.

arosien commented 4 years ago

Concurrency In Scala with Cats-Effect just appeared from @slouc.

daniel-ciocirlan commented 4 years ago

Rock the JVM has just started to publish material on Cats and Cats-Effect (full disclosure: I'm the author for both)

TimWSpence commented 3 years ago

I attempted to explain the advantages of polymorphic effects here: https://timwspence.github.io/blog/posts/2020-11-22-polymorphic-effects-in-scala.html

Hopefully someone has done a better job somewhere but if not then we can link to this 😂