typelevel / cats-mtl

cats transformer type classes.
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New typeclass to run reader-like effects #287

Open FunFunFine opened 3 years ago

FunFunFine commented 3 years ago

In short one may need to mimic creating and running ReaderT subprogram using Tagless Final approach.

Consider this endpoint in some app without TF:

class Endpoints(fooService: FooService, barService: BarService, ...){
  def endpoints = HttpRoutes.of[IO] {
    case ROOT -> "handle" => for {
        body <- req.as[Body]
        trace = genTrace
        logContext = buildCtx(body)
        auth = req.authInfo
        result <- handle.run(auth, trace, logContext)
        response <- Ok(result)
      } yield response
  def handle(body: Body): ReaderT[IO, (Auth, Trace, LogCtx), Result] = ???
  //this method calls multiple other services and methods which also return `ReaderT[IO, ...]`. 
  //some of them are using context from reader to provide contextual logging or to avoid passing authorization as method parameters

And AFAIK there is no way to represent this behavior in tagless final code right now.

So here comes my proposal: cats-mtl should have some typeclass which can represent this, let's call it Run:

trait Run[F[_], G[_], R] {
  def run(fa: G[A])(r: R): F[A]

it should provide context of type R to computation ga of type G[A] to evaluate it to another computation of typeF[A].

So now we can write the endpoint like that:

class Endpoints[Main[_], Contextual[_]](fooService: FooService[Contextual], barService: BarService[Contextual], ...)(implicit run: Run[Main, Contextual, (Auth, Trace, LogCtx)]) {

  def endpoints = HttpRoutes.of[Main] {
    case ROOT -> "handle" => for {
        body <- req.as[Body]
        trace = genTrace
        logContext = buildCtx(body)
        auth = req.authInfo
        result <- run.run(handle(body))((auth, trace, logContext)) //  Main[Result]
        response <- Ok(result)
      } yield response
  def handle(body: Body): Contextual[Result] = ???
  //this method calls multiple services and methods which look like FooService[Contextual]`. 

//and creation of endpoints:
type Context = (Auth, Trace, LogCtx)
val endpoints = Endpoint[IO, ReaderT[IO, Context, *], Context](foo, bar) // or could be zio.Task and zio.RIO[Context, *]

So what do you think about this proposal? I could try to implement this if it seems like a good idea.

rossabaker commented 1 year ago

Apologies, I've never been a core maintainer, but I'm cleaning up.

Are there any laws Run might have, either for itself, or in relation to other classes?