typelevel / cats

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Add `Read` typeclass #932

Closed pathikrit closed 6 years ago

pathikrit commented 8 years ago

Opposite of Show:

trait Read[T] {
  def read(f: String): T

See also: http://eed3si9n.com/herding-cats/Read.html

julienrf commented 8 years ago

I’m not sure such a class would be very useful, because the input type is fixed to String. Also, the returned value should make it possible to handle failures.

pathikrit commented 8 years ago

Don't have any other reason besides a) Haskell has it and b) it makes sense to have "an opposite of Show" c) I need it :-)

milessabin commented 8 years ago

It also means that we can have a law for Show, jointly with Read.

adelbertc commented 8 years ago

If we move forward with this I would prefer it return Option[T]. That being said, while we can define laws for Read and Show in terms of each other..

  1. By themselves they have no laws
  2. I am not sure forAll((s: String) => read(show(s)) === Some(s)) is a useful law, especially given instances for Show show things like OneAnd(...), which is not the parsing behavior I would expect. In general it seems parsing should be done by a parser (e.g. atto)
ceedubs commented 8 years ago

I think I tend to agree with @julienrf and @adelbertc on this: I'm not yet convinced it would be a good addition to Cats. I do, in theory, like the way that it would relate to Show, but I don't think that it is something that people should actually use "in the real world".

To be honest I'm not that convinced that Show should live in Cats, but I see little harm in it being there. It's a simple type class that can be useful for teaching the type class "pattern" via log messages. However, Read would encourage being used for deserialization, which would make the exact string format produced by Show instances start to really matter. I don't think we'd ever make Cats support deserialization all that well. I think that parsing and deserialization are complex enough that they deserve libraries of their own, and great ones like atto, parboiled, jawn, circe, etc already fulfill this role.

ceedubs commented 8 years ago

One more comment: while I think Haskell is a fantastic language, I think that Cats should avoid the "because this is what Haskell does" philosophy, which I think @milessabin agrees with me on, even if we don't necessarily agree on whether Cats should gain Read :)

milessabin commented 8 years ago

I do agree that we shouldn't do what Haskell does, just because that's what Haskell does. However, I would like to try and establish the principle that type classes can be lawful jointly and shouldn't be required to be lawful singly. Given that we don't want to remove Show and we do advocate for lawfulness I think Read would be a useful addition.

milessabin commented 8 years ago

I agree with @adelbertc that the result type should be Option[T].

milessabin commented 8 years ago

I'd also be happy to see both Show and Read generalized to things other than String.

julien-truffaut commented 8 years ago

As far I know Show is intended to log / print something e.g. in repl but it is not a "serious" serialisation. So I would rather avoid to have a Read typeclass, one can always define a pair of typeclass for a given format e.g. Json or ByteString.

pathikrit commented 8 years ago

I agree on both counts that Show and Read should be generalized to things other than String and Read.read should return Option[T]. Borrowing from https://github.com/scodec/scodec a better name might be Encode and Decode:

trait Encode[F, T] {
   def encode(f: F): T

trait Decode[F, T] {
   def decode(f: F): Option[T]

type Codec[A, B] = Encode[A, B] with Decode[B, A]

Although they don't violate any laws like the other felines in https://github.com/non/alleycats, it might be a better place for commonly used versions:

type Show[A] = Encode[A, String]
type Read[A] = Decode[String, A]

type Bytes = Iterator[Byte]
type Serialize[A] = Encode[A, Bytes]
type Deserialize[A] = Decode[Bytes, A]
sir-wabbit commented 8 years ago
type Codec[A, B] = Encode[A, B] with Decode[B, A]
// is the same as
type Codec[A, B] = (A => B, B => Option[A])

And that looks a lot like a prism. And prisms (and all other optics) have laws, form categories, splits, etc. As far as I understand, Read[A] and Show[A] could be collapsed into a lawful type class:

final case class Prism[A, B](encode: A => B, decode: Kleisli[Option, B, A])
// It could be trait Prism[A, B] {...}
// Laws:
// decode(encode(x)) = Some(x)
// decode(x).map(encode) = Some(x) or None
// It is also a category, a split (almost an arrow), 
// an invariant functor in both type parameters, 
// maybe even a cartesian in both arguments (assuming that SemigroupK[Option] is defined) (?).

object Prism {
  def id[A]: Codec[A, A] = Prism(identity, Kleisli(Some.apply))

  implicit val instance = new Category[Prism] with Split[Prism] {
    override def id[A]: Prism[A, A] = Prism.id[A]
    override def compose[A, B, C](f: Prism[B, C], g: Prism[A, B]): Prism[A, C] =
        encode=f.encode compose g.encode,
        decode=f.decode andThen g.decode)
    override def split[A, B, C, D](f: Prism[A, B], g: Prism[C, D]): Prism[(A, C), (B, D)] =
      Prism[(A, C), (B, D)](
        encode=(a: A, c: C) => (f.encode(a), g.encode(c)),
        decode=Split[Kleisli[Option, ?, ?]].split(f.decode, g.decode))

  implicit def leftInvariant[X]: Invariant[Prism[?, X]] = ???
  implicit def rightInvariant[X]: Invariant[Prism[X, ?]] = ???

def println[A](x: A)(implicit codec: Prism[A, String]): IO[Unit] = ???

I personally don't see much of a point in having Show[A] considering that there is a _.toString method on every class and Show[A] is intended for debugging purposes. I think that both Show[A] and Read[A] (if implemented) will be abused.

EncodePanda commented 8 years ago

Just quick thought: If you are going to implement Read typeclass, please don't call it Decode :) It might be just confusing for anyone coming from ScalaZ, Haskell etc.

OlivierBlanvillain commented 8 years ago

I think cats should adopt the same position than the one with Task and recommend other libraries instead of adding a Read typeclass.

pathikrit commented 7 years ago

@OlivierBlanvillain : What other libraries would you recommend for Read typeclass?

adelbertc commented 7 years ago

@pathikrit Read is generally used as a quick way to do some parsing from a String into a type, so I think you should be looking at proper parsing libraries as an alternative. These come to mind:

johnynek commented 7 years ago

Yeah, I’m -1 on Read.

tpolecat commented 7 years ago

I'm also 👎 . As a practical matter it's not useful because it doesn't compose unless you build it out into a parser combinator library (of which there are already many to choose from). And as an dual to Show it's also not very useful because Show itself is not very useful; it's no more than a properly parametric toString and is similarly useful only for debugging. I think the key insight is that the string representation isn't uniquely determined by the type, so what we're talking about here is not a typeclass. A better representation would be something like a printing/parsing pair joined as a Prism or similar, as normal data.

ceedubs commented 6 years ago

While there are various points of view on this, it seems that the majority of Cats maintainers don't think that Read belongs in Cats. For real-world use-cases you probably want more than an Option as a result, as you probably want to know a reason that a String failed to be parsed. I'd recommend a parsing library such as @adelbertc recommended here.

This issue has been hanging around for quite some time. In an effort to clean up some of the stale backlog, I'm going to go ahead and close this out.