typelevel / fs2

Compositional, streaming I/O library for Scala
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Create benchmarks #399

Closed pchlupacek closed 7 years ago

pchlupacek commented 9 years ago

We have to find a way how to reliably prove the performance after various changes stay in expected limit, or better improves. So far we have limited tests with so-so reliability. If anyone has experience / ideas and want to step in, please comment below.

wookietreiber commented 9 years ago

I just created a PR to show you how this might look like using ScalaMeter.

pchiusano commented 8 years ago

I am looking for volunteers to take this on. There is already a benchmark project, I would just use the sbt-jmh (or some other reputable JVM benchmarking tool) plugin to write some benchmarks there. If they can be run as part of Travis, even better.

Regression testing for performance is a separate issue, let's get some benchmarks written first.

I wrote some performance 'tests' in StreamPerformanceSpec. These might be a good starting point for some benchmarks.

mpilquist commented 7 years ago

Fixed in #646