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Migration away from Travis CI #106

Closed larsrh closed 3 years ago

larsrh commented 3 years ago

tl;dr Travis CI has drastically reduced their OSS offerings.

The following repositories need to be migrated to GitHub Actions:

The following steps need to be taken:

  1. Create an issue in the project tracker (if not already there) and link it here
  2. Delete .travis.yml (and .mergify.yml, if present)
  3. Create the GitHub Actions workflow; use inspiration from other projects
  4. If the project uses some form of deployment:
    • deployment to GitHub pages can be done using the regular GITHUB_TOKEN
    • deployment to Sonatype → ask a maintainer
  5. Open a PR and alert me and @djspiewak

We have until end of 2020 to complete this. Let's get it done.

vic commented 3 years ago

i guess I can help with this, will start migrating some repos on my free time this week.

fthomas commented 3 years ago

Delete .travis.yml (and .mergify.yml, if present)

What's the reason for deleting .mergify.yml files? Mergify also works with GH Actions, here is one example.

larsrh commented 3 years ago

It's true, but I see the risk that the status-success fields need to be kept updated manually. I'd rather disable auto-merging than risking broken merges.

yanns commented 3 years ago

This guide might help: https://docs.github.com/en/free-pro-team@latest/actions/learn-github-actions/migrating-from-travis-ci-to-github-actions

dimitarg commented 3 years ago

~Maintainers will likely be already aware of this - I think https://github.com/djspiewak/sbt-github-actions might be a good implementation option. https://github.com/dimitarg/weaver-test-extra is one example of mine using this in the wild; granted, its workflow is super simple but posting anyways. Sorry for spam if not helpful.~

I think by "use inspiration from other projects", @larsrh might mean consider using https://github.com/djspiewak/sbt-github-actions, as in https://github.com/typelevel/cats for example

jatcwang commented 3 years ago

I can do kittens.

vincenzobaz commented 3 years ago

the SBT documentation now provides some advice about Github Actions: https://www.scala-sbt.org/1.x/docs/GitHub-Actions-with-sbt.html

larsrh commented 3 years ago

Done :rocket: