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Typelevel governance
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Come up with a plan for using the TL blog effectively #52

Open jducoeur opened 1 year ago

jducoeur commented 1 year ago

We have a blog, but don't post to it very often, and most of what we are saying is administrative. That's a wasted opportunity: we have so many great projects, and so many potentially interesting technical topics, that we can and should do a lot more technical posting.

For this to work, we have to pull in the TL community in a big way. Not even just the library authors, either: we would do well to host articles from folks using the ecosystem, describing cool things they are doing with it.

Ideally, we should target a regular cadence for the blog, preferably weekly, but step number one is to come up with a pipeline: that will probably take a few months, and we should post more occasionally as we build up that pipeline.

We should think about how to collaborate to help articles happen. Many engineers have great ideas, but aren't as comfortable or practiced at writing, so we may want to see whether we can provide some assistance there.

rossabaker commented 1 year ago

Maybe it shouldn't be conflated with the blog, but there's no central place for news right now, other than me tweeting tags whenever I stumble across them. News shorts could be a category on the blog. Old timers will remember implicit.ly, and very old time Linux users might remember Freshmeat: places you could go and see all the latest releases in the ecosystem. Anyway, a couple releases are happening a week. We never announce our new projects. There's low-hanging fruit here even without the more impressive and harder work described above.

rossabaker commented 1 year ago

The idea of a weekly newsletter came up again on Twitter.

I have been looking through the GitHub API for a feed of releases in the org. A webhook for the org might gather them. I watch most (all?) of the repos for releases, and have a notifications query. That's a nice overview, but would be a chore to turn into a list of links, and only works if you watch the same things I do.

@softinio's idea of crowdsourcing by PR is nice. Or maybe we could gather submissions via a standard label on interesting issues and discussions.

jducoeur commented 1 year ago

Note that this was, more or less explicitly, the motivation for the #library-news channel, as a way to start having a sense of releases that the library authors consider significant. (Since I think folks care rather less about releases that are just collections of scala-steward PRs and the like.) I think we should start collecting those into posts somewhere between weekly and monthly. At this point, it's been about a month, and there are a reasonable starting set of announcements for us to pull together as an initial "what has happened in the past month" post.

rossabaker commented 1 year ago

For the record, I had no idea there was a #library-news channel. Starting with the first, the series should always include a footer on how to get included in the next one.

jducoeur commented 1 year ago

We discussed it in #admin about a month ago, and set it up shortly thereafter. But yes, good point...

softinio commented 1 year ago

@rossabaker thanks for adding me to this thread. Let me know if I can help with anything related to this conversation, happy to.

Regarding the newsletter and my idea of crowd sourcing content via PR, did some research to see what others are doing, seems our friends at NixOS are doing just that, they even have PR template for it: https://github.com/NixOS/nixos-weekly/blob/master/.github/pull_request_template.md

Regarding the releases feed, one idea could be to add a github actions step that gets triggered on release that generates a PR adding the link to the release page of the new release to the next newsletter if we are going for the PR contribution approach. This feature could even be added to sbt-typelevel I guess so all repos are able to do it with ease. Just a highlevel idea to be refined of course once we know what the target way of publishing link will be. In summary goal would be for a github actions step to send link to what ever we are doing to put a newsletter together.