typelevel / governance

Typelevel governance
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Clarify which libraries are in which state (aka, map out the ecosystem) #55

Open jducoeur opened 1 year ago

jducoeur commented 1 year ago

We have a concept of "primary" vs "satellite" libraries, largely based on whether the library is more managed by its originator vs TL as a whole. We should make sure that:

Note that probably the large majority of the ecosystem falls into the larger satellites. (Eg, Davenverse and http4s are each north of 40 libraries.) We should think about how to present these as a coherent ecosystem while still giving the individual projects their due, but step one is making sure we know what they are.

rossabaker commented 1 year ago

There are two levels described in the charter: Organization Projects (section 8) and Affiliate projects (section 9). This replaces the old "member" vs. "incubator" delineation. The newer model is not yet explained anywhere in non-charter speak.
