typelevel / governance

Typelevel governance
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Community sentiment survey #58

Open jducoeur opened 1 year ago

jducoeur commented 1 year ago

Possible idea: should we do a survey of the TL community as a whole? It's easy for the Steering Committee to become an echo chamber, and it's worthwhile to make sure that we are in touch with the feelings and priorities of the whole organization.

This one is more an idea to ponder and maybe gradually evolve, not a call for action NowNowNow. Writing surveys is easy; writing good, actionable surveys that accurately represent sentiment and result in enough information to make better decisions is not. This one is unlikely to happen in the next month or two, but we can use this thread for brainstorming about it.

jducoeur commented 1 year ago

We should keep in mind that the "community" is far from homogeneous. We have lots of sub-communities, and should think about whether we want to ask questions aimed at any or all of:

zmccoy commented 1 year ago

For tackling the variations of where folk are coming from I think having a lot of optional portions and then "If you are a maintainer of a core library" ... "Which one?" ... "More question..." etc and we can attempt to partition the data that way. If those bullet points are essentially headers people can just fill out what they identify under.