typelevel / natchez

functional tracing for cats
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http4s module #5

Closed tbrown1979 closed 1 year ago

tbrown1979 commented 5 years ago

Hey @tpolecat would you be open to a PR adding an http4s module for this project? Wrapping a Client, middleware for a server, maybe other things? If so, I'll try to get something created soonish

tpolecat commented 5 years ago

Hey! I'd definitely like to do this but I'm not quite sure what the end-user API is going to look like yet so things may be changing underneath you. If you're ok with that I would welcome an http4s module.

I'm curious, which back end are you going to use? I have been focusing on Honeycomb.

tbrown1979 commented 5 years ago

@tpolecat I totally understand. To be honest, I had started something very similar to this project internally at my company but didn't have the time to fully flesh it out. I was essentially going to port the http4s stuff I had created over to this. It's not a lot of code so any changes shouldn't be too rough :)

I'd most likely be using Jaeger as my backend, which I see already has a module!

tpolecat commented 5 years ago

Ok I'll see if I can get a handle on the API this week. I'll open PRs for everything so we can discuss changes. Thanks for your interest!

janstenpickle commented 5 years ago

I'm very interested in this, mainly from the PoV that when using the Klieisli tracer there is no derived instance for ConcurrentEffect available, and I'm not sure I want to get into handcrafting one inside an EntryPoint closure.

Do either of you have a different method for injecting a Trace which will work when a ConcurrentEffect instance is required?

janstenpickle commented 5 years ago

I'm going to answer my own question here in case anyone is wondering about the same thing:

When constructing routes or a http app where F is a Kleisli, in this case Kleisli[F, Span[F], ?], it is possible to call translate and pass natural transformations from F to Kleisli[F, Span[F], ?] and from Kleisli[F, Span[F], ?] to F. See the http4s syntax here.

The natural transformations will have to be constructed inside the EntryPoint closure, but it will mean that the routes will be usable by a Http4s server, without having to create a type class instance of ConcurrentEffect for Kleisli[F, Span[F], ?].

Using a bastardised version of the example module, this is what this method would look like:

import org.http4s.syntax.all

val fk = new (F ~> Kleisli[F, Span[F], ?]) {
   def apply(fa: F[A]): Kleisli[F, Span[F], ?] = Kleisli.liftF(fa)

entryPoint[F].use { ep =>
  ep.root("root").use { span =>
    val gk = new (Kleisli[F, Span[F], ?] ~> F) {
      def apply(fa: Kleisli[F, Span[F], ?]): F[A] = fa.run(span)

   val routes: HttpRoutes[Kleisli[F, Span[F], ?]] = ???
   val transformedRoutes: HttpRoutes[F] = routes.transform(gk)(fk)

Once the API is stabilised I could create a proper example of this if people are interested.

iRevive commented 5 years ago

Hi @janstenpickle. I have a concern regarding your example. Root span is being created during the start of the application and then it passed to every request. As a result, only child route can be created inside a route handler. Thus in Jaeger will be only one big trace with tons of sub-traces.

I've implemented a middleware that creates a new span per request:

Example ```scala import cats.data.{Kleisli, OptionT} import cats.effect._ import cats.implicits._ import cats.~> import io.jaegertracing.Configuration.{ReporterConfiguration, SamplerConfiguration} import natchez.jaeger.Jaeger import natchez.{EntryPoint, Span, TraceValue} import org.http4s._ import org.http4s.dsl.Http4sDsl import org.http4s.syntax.all._ object NatchezHttp4sExample extends IOApp { type Traced[F[_], A] = Kleisli[F, Span[F], A] class Api[F[_]: Sync] extends Http4sDsl[F] { def routes: Http[OptionT[Traced[F, ?], ?], F] = tracedRoutes { case GET -> Root / path => Kleisli { span => span.span("child-span").use { s => s.put("path" -> TraceValue.StringValue(path)) >> Ok("It works") } } } def tracedRoutes(pf: PartialFunction[Request[F], Traced[F, Response[F]]]): Http[OptionT[Traced[F, ?], ?], F] = Kleisli { req => OptionT(Sync[Traced[F, ?]].suspend(pf.lift(req).sequence)) } } def withApiSpan[F[_]: Sync](ep: EntryPoint[F]): OptionT[Traced[F, ?], ?] ~> OptionT[F, ?] = { val gk: Traced[F, ?] ~> F = new (Traced[F, ?] ~> F) { def apply[A](fa: Kleisli[F, Span[F], A]): F[A] = ep.root("api").use(fa.run) } new (OptionT[Traced[F, ?], ?] ~> OptionT[F, ?]) { override def apply[A](fa: OptionT[Traced[F, ?], A]): OptionT[F, A] = fa.mapK(gk) } } override def run(args: List[String]): IO[ExitCode] = entryPoint[IO].use { ep => val api = new Api[IO] val routes = api.routes.mapK(withApiSpan[IO](ep)).orNotFound val requests = List( Request[IO](Method.GET, uri"/path1"), Request[IO](Method.GET, uri"/path2"), Request[IO](Method.GET, uri"/path3") ) requests.traverse(routes.run).as(ExitCode.Success) //BlazeServerBuilder[IO].withHttpApp(routes).resource.use(_ => IO.never) // Real use case } def entryPoint[F[_]: Sync]: Resource[F, EntryPoint[F]] = Jaeger.entryPoint[F]("http4s-example") { c => Sync[F].delay { c.withSampler(SamplerConfiguration.fromEnv) .withReporter(ReporterConfiguration.fromEnv) .getTracer } } } ```
Jaeger dashboard ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/6395483/63938503-99144800-ca6d-11e9-8872-808bc69a0fa1.png)

Personally, I don't like this approach for several reasons: 1) natchez.Trace typeclass is ignored and all child spans are being created directly through the Span[F]; 2) Ugly routes syntax;

In another project, I've been using a different solution based on ApplicativeHandle from Cats MTL. I've described span as an ADT and it was a part of the effect.

Example ```scala import cats.effect._ import cats.implicits._ import cats.mtl._ import cats.mtl.implicits._ import io.{opentracing => ot} import natchez.{Kernel, TraceValue} sealed trait Span object Span { final case object Empty extends Span final case class Defined(tracer: ot.Tracer, otSpan: ot.Span) extends Span { def kernel[F[_]: Sync]: F[Kernel] = ??? def put[F[_]: Sync](fields: (String, TraceValue)*): F[Unit] = ??? def span[F[_]: Sync](name: String): Resource[F, Defined] = ??? } } trait EntryPoint[F[_]] { def root(name: String): Resource[F, Span.Defined] def continue(name: String, kernel: Kernel): Resource[F, Span.Defined] } trait Tracer[F[_]] { def current: F[Span] def rootSpan[A](name: String)(fa: F[A]): F[A] def childSpan[A](name: String)(fa: F[A]): F[A] def put(fields: (String, TraceValue)*): F[Unit] } object Tracer { def apply[F[_]](implicit ev: Tracer[F]): Tracer[F] = ev def create[F[_]: Sync: ApplicativeLocal[?[_], Span]](ep: EntryPoint[F]): Tracer[F] = new Tracer[F] { override def current: F[Span] = ApplicativeLocal[F, Span].ask override def rootSpan[A](name: String)(fa: F[A]): F[A] = ep.root(name).use(context => fa.scope(context: Span)) override def childSpan[A](name: String)(fa: F[A]): F[A] = current.flatMap { case Span.Empty => fa case s: Span.Defined => s.span(name).use(context => fa.scope(context: Span)) } override def put(fields: (String, TraceValue)*): F[Unit] = current.flatMap { case Span.Empty => Sync[F].unit case s: Span.Defined => s.put[F](fields: _*) } } } class Service[F[_]: Sync: ApplicativeLocal[?[_], Span]: Tracer] { def foo(): F[Unit] = Tracer[F].rootSpan("rootSpan") { Tracer[F].put("key" -> "value") >> Sync[F].delay(println("It works")) } } object NatchezCatsMtl extends IOApp { override def run(args: List[String]): IO[ExitCode] = { type Effect[A] = Kleisli[IO, Span, A] entryPoint[Effect] .use { ep => implicit val tracer: Tracer[Effect] = Tracer.create[Effect](ep) val service = new Service[Kleisli[IO, Span, ?]] service.foo() } .run(Span.Empty) .as(ExitCode.Success) } def entryPoint[F[_]]: Resource[F, EntryPoint[F]] = ??? } ```

This one much more flexible and can be easily integrated with Http4s. Is there is another simple way to create a root span inside the application?

WDYT @tpolecat ?

tpolecat commented 5 years ago

Thanks for your comments, I will try to have a look soon but I'm super busy today.

janstenpickle commented 5 years ago

Thanks @tpolecat, no rush!

@iRevive you're quite right, thanks for the correction! I actually did a similar thing to your first example but I forgot to update this issue. I really like your MTL approach!

iRevive commented 5 years ago

@janstenpickle thanks! The obvious downside of the MTL approach that it requires an additional dependency. I figured out that Trace can be described without ApplicativeHandle.

Trace as Kleisli ```scala object Trace { def apply[F[_]](implicit ev: Trace[F]): Trace[F] = ev def fromKleisli[F[_]: Sync](ep: EntryPoint[F]): Trace[Kleisli[F, Span, ?]] = new Trace[Kleisli[F, Span, ?]] { type Eff[A] = Kleisli[F, Span, A] override def current: Eff[Span] = Kleisli.ask override def rootSpan[A](name: String)(fa: Eff[A]): Eff[A] = ep.root(name).mapK(Kleisli.liftK[F, Span]).use[A](context => Kleisli.local({_: Span => context: Span})(fa)) override def childSpan[A](name: String)(fa: Eff[A]): Eff[A] = current.flatMap { case Span.Empty => fa case s: Span.Defined => s.span(name).mapK(Kleisli.liftK[F, Span]).use[A](context => Kleisli.local({_: Span => context: Span})(fa)) } override def put(fields: (String, TraceValue)*): Eff[Unit] = current.flatMap { case Span.Empty => Sync[Eff].unit case s: Span.Defined => s.put[Eff](fields: _*) } } } object NatchezCatsMtl extends IOApp { override def run(args: List[String]): IO[ExitCode] = { type Effect[A] = Kleisli[IO, Span, A] entryPoint[IO] .use { ep => implicit val trace: Trace[Effect] = Trace.fromKleisli[IO](ep) val service = new Service[Kleisli[IO, Span, ?]] service.foo().run(Span.Empty) } .as(ExitCode.Success) } def entryPoint[F[_]]: Resource[F, EntryPoint[F]] = ??? } ```

This implementation has two differences from the natchez library: 1) Trace can create a root span; 2) Span represented as ADT: Empty and Defined.

The downside of ADT is that you cannot guarantee at the compile time that root span is already created. For example, Trace[F].childSpan("child")(fa) will not have any effect if root span wasn't created at the bottom of the call stack.

tpolecat commented 5 years ago

Here is what I came up with. This lets you write your routes with a Trace constraint and then lift them into your normal F. The interesting bit is in def app where we say ep.liftT to lift our Trace-demanding routes into F, which doesn't have a Trace instance. This works by inferring Kleisli[F, Span[F], ?] as the type argument when we call routes. Slightly sneaky.

import cats.effect._
import cats.implicits._
import io.jaegertracing.Configuration._
import natchez._
import natchez.http4s.implicits._
import natchez.jaeger.Jaeger
import org.http4s._
import org.http4s.dsl.Http4sDsl
import org.http4s.implicits._
import org.http4s.server._
import org.http4s.server.blaze.BlazeServerBuilder

object Http4sExample extends IOApp {

  // This is what we want to write: routes in F[_]: ...: Trace
  def routes[F[_]: Sync: Trace]: HttpRoutes[F] = {
    object dsl extends Http4sDsl[F]; import dsl._
    HttpRoutes.of[F] {
      case GET -> Root / "hello" / name =>
        Trace[F].put("woot" -> 42) *>
        Trace[F].span("responding") {
          Ok(s"Hello, $name.")

  // Normal constructor for an HttpApp in F *without* a Trace constraint.
  def app[F[_]: Sync: Bracket[?[_], Throwable]](ep: EntryPoint[F]): HttpApp[F] =
    Router("/" -> ep.liftT(routes)).orNotFound // <-- Lifted routes

  // Normal server resource
  def server[F[_]: ConcurrentEffect: Timer](routes: HttpApp[F]): Resource[F, Server[F]] =
      .bindHttp(8080, "localhost")

  // Normal EntryPoint resource
  def entryPoint[F[_]: Sync]: Resource[F, EntryPoint[F]] =
    Jaeger.entryPoint[F]("natchez-example") { c =>
      Sync[F].delay {

  // Main method instantiates F to IO
  def run(args: List[String]): IO[ExitCode] =
    entryPoint[IO].map(app(_)).flatMap(server(_)).use(_ => IO.never).as(ExitCode.Success)


The implementation is a little janky, may be able to simplify. But it works.

package natchez.http4s

import cats.~>
import cats.data.{ Kleisli, OptionT }
import cats.effect.Bracket
import natchez.{ EntryPoint, Kernel, Span }
import org.http4s.HttpRoutes

object implicits {

  // Given an entry point and HTTP Routes in Kleisli[F, Span[F], ?] return routes in F. A new span
  // is created with the URI path as the name, either as a continuation of the incoming trace, if
  // any, or as a new root. This can likely be simplified, I just did what the types were saying
  // and it works so :shrug:
  private def liftT[F[_]: Bracket[?[_], Throwable]](
    entryPoint: EntryPoint[F])(
    routes:     HttpRoutes[Kleisli[F, Span[F], ?]]
  ): HttpRoutes[F] =
    Kleisli { req =>
      type G[A]  = Kleisli[F, Span[F], A]
      val lift   = λ[F ~> G](fa => Kleisli(_ => fa))
      val kernel = Kernel(req.headers.toList.map(h => (h.name.value -> h.value)).toMap)
      val spanR  = entryPoint.continueOrElseRoot(req.uri.path, kernel)
      OptionT {
        spanR.use { span =>
          val lower = λ[G ~> F](_(span))

  implicit class EntryPointOps[F[_]](self: EntryPoint[F]) {
    def liftT(routes: HttpRoutes[Kleisli[F, Span[F], ?]])(
      implicit ev: Bracket[F, Throwable]
    ): HttpRoutes[F] =


Hitting the endpoint yields a trace like


I think this provides exactly what I want. WDYT?

iRevive commented 5 years ago

@tpolecat LGTM.
This approach covers all my use cases.

One little thing. I would like to have a bit more control over headers passed to Kernel: val kernel = Kernel(req.headers.toList.map(h => (h.name.value -> h.value)).toMap). req.headers can expose an authentication credentials/api token/etc.

The Logger middleware from Http4s provides a way to redact headers:

def httpRoutes[F[_]: Concurrent](
      logHeaders: Boolean,
      logBody: Boolean,
      redactHeadersWhen: CaseInsensitiveString => Boolean = Headers.SensitiveHeaders.contains,
      logAction: Option[String => F[Unit]] = None
  )(httpRoutes: HttpRoutes[F]): HttpRoutes[F] = 

Is this applicable here?

pshemass commented 4 years ago

@tpolecat how would you handle situation when routes depends on ConcurrentEffect since there is no Effect for Kleisli?

tpolecat commented 4 years ago

You're out of luck in that case, although you could pass the span explicitly.

ConcurrentEffect is a ridiculously tight constraint so hopefully it's not needed much. One known exception is the http4s Blaze client. If you're in this situation you might try the Ember client.

pshemass commented 4 years ago

Blaze client is my case actually :) other place that I found static files/webjar service in Htt4s.

I will try to pass Span explicitly for the time being.

soujiro32167 commented 3 years ago

@tpolecat @pshemass I'm facing the Effect problem for a service dependency that doesn't even need tracing. Could you give an example of providing the span explicitly?

soujiro32167 commented 3 years ago

Ended up with this:

  def kleisliConcurrentEffect[F[_]](
    root: Span[F]
  )(implicit F: Concurrent[Kleisli[F, Span[F], *]], FF: ConcurrentEffect[F]): ConcurrentEffect[Kleisli[F, Span[F], *]] =
    new ConcurrentEffect[Kleisli[F, Span[F], *]] {

      override def runCancelable[A](fa: Kleisli[F, Span[F], A])(cb: Either[Throwable, A] => IO[Unit]): SyncIO[Kleisli[F, Span[F], Unit]] =

      override def runAsync[A](fa: Kleisli[F, Span[F], A])(cb: Either[Throwable, A] => IO[Unit]): SyncIO[Unit] =

// All other implementation from Concurrent[Kleisli[F, Span[F], *]]

implicit val a = kleisliConcurrentEffect[IO](NoopSpan[IO]()) // since this is for a dependency that doesn't need tracing