typelevel / otel4s

An OpenTelemetry library for Scala based on Cats-Effect
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Tracing a Resource While Staying in Resource #194

Open ChristopherDavenport opened 1 year ago

ChristopherDavenport commented 1 year ago

So here is an approach I found that was able to get correct resource timing.


I was wondering how I was supposed to trace for the lifetime of a resource while staying in Resource?

Client are Request[F] => Resource[F, Response[F]] so we dont want to directly use the resource in line.

I assumed I would use wrapResource on spanBuilder, but the use seems to still collapse to F rather than maintaining the resource that's necessary to preserve the live tcp connection.

Hoping that someone might have an approach to how to best preserve the resource while tracing a resource?

iRevive commented 1 year ago

This behavior was supported in the very first draft. Turned out it does not work the way we want with Local[F, Vault].

There are a few discussions regarding this topic: 1) https://github.com/typelevel/otel4s/pull/105 2) https://github.com/typelevel/otel4s/issues/88 3) https://github.com/typelevel/otel4s/pull/107#issuecomment-1414410325

ChristopherDavenport commented 1 year ago

So we can't trace the lifetime of an http4s client resource? I'm not sure I'm following.

iRevive commented 1 year ago

We will eliminate wrapResource in the upcoming release. A follow-up to #273.

To summarize: it's not possible to trace the resource now (e.g. different stages: acquire, use, release; and stay within the resource), and will not be possible in the future because the API is bound to the Local[F, Vault] semantics :(

iRevive commented 1 month ago

Local semantics doesn't go along with the Resource.

[!Warning] The code below provides a leaky abstraction, please don't use it

However, there is a workaround to make it work by manually manipulating the context:

class IOLocalTracer[F[_]: Monad: LiftIO, Ctx](underlying: Tracer[F], ioLocal: IOLocal[Ctx]) extends Tracer[F] {
  def meta: Tracer.Meta[F] = underlying.meta
  ... // forward all other methods
  def spanBuilder(name: String): SpanBuilder[F] = 
    DelegateSpanBuilder(underlying.spanBuilder(name), ioLocal)

case class DelegateSpanBuilder[F[_]: Monad: LiftIO, Ctx](
   builder: SpanBuilder[F],
   ioLocal: IOLocal[Ctx]
) extends SpanBuilder[F] {
  def addAttribute[A](attribute: Attribute[A]): SpanBuilder[F] = copy(builder.addAttribute(attribute))
  ... // forward all other methods
  def build: SpanOps[F] = {
    val b = builder.build
    new SpanOps[F] {
      def resource: Resource[F, SpanOps.Res[F]] =
        for {
          res <- b.resource
          // manually set the context
          _ <- Resource.make( 
            ioLocal.get.to[F] <* res.trace(ioLocal.get.to[F]).flatMap(ioLocal.set(_).to[F])
        } yield res
      def use[A](f: Span[F] => F[A]): F[A] = b.use(f)
      def use_ : F[Unit] = b.use_

And wire everything together:

IOLocal(Context.root).flatMap { implicit ioLocal =>
  OtelJava.autoConfigured[IO]().use { otel4s =>
    otel4s.tracerProvider.get("tracer").flatMap { t =>
      implicit val tracer: Tracer[IO] = new IOLocalTracer(t, ioLocal)
      Tracer[IO].span("test").resource.use { _ =>
        Tracer[IO].currentSpanContext.debug() // prints the current span

Technically, we can do something similar under the hood. For example, if we detect that Local is backed by the IOLocal, we can apply custom propagation logic.

Downsides: 1) An unpredictable behavior in some cases: https://github.com/typelevel/cats-effect/issues/3100, https://github.com/typelevel/cats-effect/pull/3360 2) Different behavior for different effects: i.e. Kleisli[IO, Context, *] has a built-in Local[Kleisli[IO, Context, *], Context] instance that doesn't require IOLocal 3) Resource may start on one fiber and finalize on another one. Hence, the abstraction is leaking and may create more problems than solve